Archivos de diario de julio 2017

25 de julio de 2017

Ohio Dragonfly Survey Updates

Hello Everyone,

We are up to 63 members and 277 contributors and 7,300+ observations in the Ohio Dragonfly Survey project! Thank you to everyone who has helped so far.

This is a brief update for those who did not get the email update. If you want on the email list either send me a message here or shoot an email to

To start, we are more than halfway through the 2017 season! We've had several interesting records this year including a new state record of the Belted Whiteface (Ladona proxima) by Rick Nirshl, new locations for the Swift Setwing (Dythemis velox), and reports of Rambur's Forktail (Ischnura ramburii) in water gardens.

Collection supplies:
Not all of the Odonata can be identified with a photograph in the field, thus the Ohio Dragonfly Survey is providing certain supplies. If you plan on submitting a collection to be included in the Ohio Dragonfly Survey then I have the proper archival materials including two types of glassine envelopes for field use, archival paper, clear archival envelopes, and acetone. I am working on getting this distributed to the regional coordinators who can then distribute regionally. If you plan on being in Columbus and want to pick up supplies directly just shoot me an email to set up a time. I ask that you bring your own container so I can transfer Acetone safely.

​Collection Permits: We are still working on getting Scientific Collecting permits. Please do your best to avoid collecting State and Federally endangered species until we get these permits​. I am working with various other agencies to get collecting permits to sample at different locations. A post on the importance of collecting Odonata forthcoming on the ODS website.

Let me know if you have questions or concerns. Otherwise, I hope you are enjoying this lovely summer!

MaLisa Spring
State Coordinator for the Ohio Dragonfly Survey

Publicado el julio 25, 2017 08:49 TARDE por malisaspring malisaspring | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario