Archivos de diario de febrero 2018

05 de febrero de 2018


Registration is live for Odo-Con-18! This year it will be held at Oakwoods Nature Preserve near Findlay, Ohio. This will be our largest Odonata themed event this year, so we hope to see you there!

Odo-Con-18 Registration Page

There will also be an evening poster session for those who would like to present something aquatic related. More information can be found on the webpage.

Lastly, I want to update you on what we have been working on over the past several weeks.

  • Thanks to everyone who submitted data via iNaturalist and physical specimens, we got over 12,000 new records last year!
    -Jim Lemon compiled that data to make new maps, which are now live on the Species Distribution Tab.
    -I have also added a printable annotated pdf that has a few photography and identification tips.
    -I have created a blog post on getting county records based on these maps.
    -Jim Lemon created several observation and species graphs to show observations over time.
    ​-Watch out for several upcoming events across the state. We want you to come to Odo-Con, but there are several other events that you might be interested in. I am constantly updating the events page as we solidify plans.​
    -Myself, Bob Glotzhober, and Bob Restifo have been visiting the Ohio EPA to look through their dragonfly larvae. Our goal is to try to identify some of the Gomphids and Cordulegasters to species so we can incorporate that data into our database. They have an amazing treasure trove of aquatic arthropods from their sampling from across the state, so it has been amazing to work with them. I have been live-tweeting some of the findings , so you can see some of the larvae and other fun things under the hashtag #OhioDragonfly.

That is all for now.

Best regards,
MaLisa Spring
State Coordinator for the Ohio Dragonfly Survey

Publicado el febrero 5, 2018 05:45 TARDE por malisaspring malisaspring | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario