Diario del proyecto Psilosoma Project (mediterranean area)

06 de marzo de 2024

Samples of Psilocybe serbica, collected and determined by the naturalist Fabio Mao Valletta, during the 'PsiloSoma Project' Balkan Expedition 2023.

The following samples are kept in the naturalist's personal fungarium and have been consigned to the herbarium of the Society of Naturalists of Naples (SNN); they are currently undergoing chemical and genetic analysis, thanks to the collaboration with the mycologist Maurizio Zotti of the Department of Agriculture of the Federico II University.

  • 1 Greece

Thessaly, Central Greece, Lat: 38.353073 Lon: 22.832205, 8 samples collected on 22 Nov 2023 by (voluntary donation to PsiloSoma Project), subsequently delivered and determined by the naturalist Fabio Mao Valletta, images shared online at https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/197129412

  • 1 North Macedonia

23 Oct 2023 , Shipkovitsa, Tetovo, Lat: 42.040704 Lon: 20.87687, 8 samples collected, delivered and determined by naturalist Fabio Mao Valletta, images shared online at https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/195747528

  • 2 Kosovo

2 Nov 2023, Dečani, Đakovica, Lat: 42.596967 Lon: 20.102259, 4 samples collected, delivered and determined by naturalist Fabio Mao Valletta, images shared online at https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/190258532

6 Nov 2023, Dečani, District, Đakovica, Lat: 42.601699 Lon: 20.100595, samples collected, delivered and determined by naturalist Fabio Mao Valletta , images shared online at https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/190258334

  • 2 Montenegro

11 Nov 2023, Petnjica, Berane, Lat: 42.897454 Lon: 20.014472, 7 samples collected, delivered and determined by naturalist Fabio Mao Valletta, images shared online at https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/191199618

14 Nov 2023, Durmitor National Park, Žabljak, Lat: 43.155163 Lon: 19.104488, samples collected, delivered and determined by naturalist Fabio Mao Valletta, images shared online at https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/191013232

  • 2 Bosnia & Herzegovina, samples collected, delivered and determined by naturalist Fabio Mao Valletta

19 Nov 2023, Crnogorska, Foča, Republic of Serbia, Lat: 43.488613 Lon: 18.74877, 5 samples collected, delivered and determined by naturalist Fabio Mao Valletta, images shared online at https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/191480077

20 Nov 2023, Tjentište, Foča, Sutjeska Natural Park, Lat: 43.358301 Lon: 18.695465, 7 samples collected, delivered and determined by naturalist Fabio Mao Valletta, images shared online at https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/191682398

  • 2 Croatia

26 Nov 2023, Papuk Nature Park, Sekulinci, Viroviticko-Podravska, Voćin County, Lat: 45.544631 Lon: 17.597292, 6 samples collected, delivered and determined by naturalist Fabio Mao Valletta, images shared online at https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/192450322

1 Dec 2023 North Velebit National Park, Iablanaz, Licko-Senjska, Lat: 44.695514 Lon: 15.05322, 2 samples collected, delivered and determined by naturalist Fabio Mao Valletta, images shared online at https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/192829986

About "PsiloSoma Project":
A first introduction of the project is available on the YouTube channel "NaturalMao" (https://youtu.be/EXenHwH_TF8) while more datailed informations are shared into the fundraising campaign on https://gogetfunding.com/support-the-psilosoma-research-and-divulgation-project/

I thank the contributors, fans, donors and interviewees for the magical experiences we have shared, we are sharing and will share in the future.
Nothing is superfluous and mapping is only one of the aspects of the "Psilosoma Project" in which I always invite everyone to participate, trusting that there will always be mushrooms for everyone (it is time for a change in the conservation paradigm, also following the international mycophilous experiences of the last 50 years).
If you have information to share or if you have dried specimens from the last season, in addition to ethnomycological research, I am organising chemical and genetic analyses so your contribution could advance this research in various fields.
It is only up to you to decide how to participate and interact with "PsiloSoma Project". You can do so through and the social channels (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Reddit), through Inaturalist (interactive map) or directly through the shared email and telephone contacts.
Thank you and welcome
Best regards
Dr naturalist Fabio Mao Valletta @naturalmao

mediterranean #biodiversity #mycology #psilocybe #ethnobotany #distribution

Publicado el marzo 6, 2024 09:50 MAÑANA por naturalmao naturalmao | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

05 de enero de 2024

Happy new mushroom year to everybody. The indipendent "PsiloSoma Project" research, exploration and divulgation into the Balkans 2023 is finally over.

ENG_: Happy new mushroom year to everybody. The indipendent "PsiloSoma Project" research, exploration and divulgation into the Balkans 2023 is finally over. While I'm healing an injury, caused by a spider bite, I'm reorganising the data collected so I will soon start to share some results. We are glad with the achievement of many successes, samples to study, contacts and interview realized. I thank the contributors, fans, donors and interviewees for the magical experiences we have shared, we are sharing and will share in the future. I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that anyone wishing to participate or interact with the 'Psilosoma project' can do so through social channels ('Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Reddit'), through 'Inaturalist' and the fundraising campaign on 'gogetfunding.com' or directly through the shared email and telephone contacts. Dr naturalist Fabio Mao Valletta
IT_: Buon anno fungino a tutti. La ricerca esplorativa e divulgativa del Progetto PsiloSoma nei Balcani 2023 è finalmente terminata. Mentre sto curando una ferita, causata da un morso di ragno, sto riorganizzando i dati raccolti per iniziare presto a condividere alcuni risultati. Siamo felici di aver raggiunto molti successi, campioni da studiare, contatti e interviste realizzate. Ringrazio i collaboratori, i fan, i donatori e gli intervistati per le magiche esperienze che abbiamo condiviso, stiamo condividendo e condivideremo in futuro. ne approfitto per ricordarvi che chi voglia partecipare o interagire con il "progetto Psilosoma" può farlo attraverso i canali social ("Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Reddit"), attraverso "Inaturalist" e la campagna di raccolta fondi su "gogetfunding.com" o direttamente attraverso i contatti mail e telefonici condivisi. Dottor naturalista Fabio Mao Valletta @naturalmao
ES_: Feliz año setero a todos. La investigación y divulgación indipendiente del Proyecto PsiloSoma en los Balcanes 2023 por fin ha terminado. Mientras me curo una herida, causada por la picadura de una araña, estoy reorganizando los datos recogidos por lo que pronto empezaré a compartir algunos resultados. Estamos contentos con la consecución de muchos éxitos, muestras por estudiar, contactos y entrevistas realizadas. Doy las gracias a los colaboradores, fans, donantes y entrevistados por las mágicas experiencias que hemos compartido, estamos compartiendo y compartiremos en el futuro.
Aprovecho para recordar que quien desee participar o interactuar con el "Proyecto Psilosoma" puede hacerlo a través de los canales sociales ("Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Reddit"), a través de "Inaturalist" y de la campaña de recaudación de fondos en "gogetfunding.com" o directamente a través de los contactos de correo electrónico y teléfono compartidos. El naturalista Dr. Fabio Mao Valletta
PsiloSoma Project

Publicado el enero 5, 2024 12:46 TARDE por naturalmao naturalmao | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

11 de noviembre de 2023

Support the PsiloSoma research and divulgation project

The "PsiloSoma research and divulgation project" fundraising campaign is starting. This fundraising campaign will contribute to achieve and boost further interesting results and publications, as well, to build up a more equipped moving lab and a working team with others micophyles and professionals, so that, while realizing observations, collecting and examining samples, we can perform other exploring missions, chemical analysis and divulge some interesting data, such as videos, pictures, documents, maps, trails, bivouacs, and events. Thanks for your support and parteciation with Mush Love Dr. Fabio Mao Valletta​ (@natural_mao) #shroom #psilocybin #mushrooms #research #naturalmao #psilocybe #PsiloSoma project #chorology #ethnomycology


Publicado el noviembre 11, 2023 03:49 TARDE por naturalmao naturalmao | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

07 de noviembre de 2023

Update psilosoma project Balkan mission

ENG: A hug from the indolic mountains and forests on the border with Montengro. Finally the long-awaited rains are bringing the first samples to be studied during this mission to the Balkans. At the moment we are mainly observing psilocybe serbica and psilocybe semilanceata found in North Macedonia and Kosovo. We are collecting pictures and when possible film images to prepare a future video related to the species of these mountains; I am also trying to collect various sporal prints, to be able to offer as gifts to other scholars as well as to the supporters and dynamisers of "psiloSoma project" who during this trip are offering their knowledge, skills and economic resources; in some cases they are facilitating this research by contributing with company, food, accommodation, internet and mobility. In the near future we would also like to explore Montengro, Bosnia, Croatia and Slovenia. If you are in the area, I would like to remind you that you can participate in the search by contacting psilosomaroject@gmail.com or directly with Dr. Fabio Mao Valletta (NaturalMao). Mush Love

IT: Un abbraccio dai montie e boschi indolici al confine con Montengro. Finalmente le tanto attese piogge stanno apportando i primi campioni da studiare durante questa missione nei Balcani. Al momento stiamo osservando soprattutto psilocybe serbica e psilocybe semilanceata rinvute in Nord Macedonia e kosovo. Stiamo raccogliendo immagini e quando possibile immagini per preparare un futuro video relativo alle specie di questi monti; inoltre sto cercando di raccogliere varie impronte sporali, da poter offrire in dono ad altri studiosi come pure ai sostenitori e dinamizzatori di "psiloSoma project" che durante questo viaggio stanno offrendo le proprie conoscenze, capacitá e risorse economiche; in alcuni casi stanno facilitando questa ricerca contribuendo con compagnia, vitto, alloggio, internet e mobilitá. prossimamente vorremmo esplorare anche Montengro, Bosnia, Croazia e Slovenia, se siete in zona¿ vi ricordo che potete parteciare alla ricerca ponendovi in contatto con psilosomaroject@gmail.com o direttamente con il Dr. Fabio Mao Valletta (NaturalMao). Mush Love

ES: Un abrazo desde los montes y bosques indolicos en la frontera con Montengro. Por fin las esperadas lluvias están trayendo las primeras muestras para estudiar durante esta misión en los Balcanes. Actualmente estamos observando principalmente Psilocybe serbica y Psilocybe semilanceata, que se encuentran en Macedonia del Norte y Kosovo. Estamos recopilando imágenes y, cuando sea posible, videoclips para preparar un futuro vídeo relacionado con las especies de estas montañas; También estoy tratando de recolectar varias huellas de esporas, que puedo ofrecer como obsequio a otros académicos, así como a los partidarios y dinamizadores del "proyecto psiloSoma" que ofrecen sus conocimientos, habilidades y recursos económicos durante este viaje; en algunos casos están facilitando esta búsqueda aportando conocimientos, comida, alojamiento, internet y movilidad. próximamente también nos gustaría explorar Montengro, Bosnia, Croacia y Eslovenia, si estás por la zona te recuerdo que puedes participar en la investigación contactando con nosotros. con psilosomaroject@gmail.com o direttamente con il Dr. Fabio Mao Valletta (NaturalMao). Mush Love

Publicado el noviembre 7, 2023 08:18 MAÑANA por naturalmao naturalmao | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

31 de mayo de 2023

The PsiloSoma Project crew is preparing for the next biogeographical explorations in search of Psilocybe around the Balkans

EN_: mush love everybody, hope life is flowing good.
Summer is approaching and the PsiloSoma Project crew is preparing for the next biogeographical explorations in search of Psilocybe around the mediterranean world. The next research and exploring missions will be into the balkans from august to nov-dic. We are currently in Italy and Germany where we are trying to increase the energy autonomy and comfort of the mobile laboratory. From mid/end of July, we will leave from North Macedonia and move along the Balkans, especially Greece, Albania, Montenegro, Kosovo, Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatia and Slovenia. We would like to select the most suitable locations for exploration and sampling, apply for the relevant permits from the relevant authorities and find out if there are common research development interests with other researchers.
• Would you like to participate to cooperate-get involved to the chorological study about Balkans?
• What appeals to you about this project and how you think you can help?
• What kind of experience do you have with mycology and magic mushrooms?
• Do you know habitats around with pastoures with cows, donkey, horses?
• There are references about magic mushrooms in your area as folk traditions, artifacts, publications?
• Do you know anyone who is studying (mycologist, mycophile, university) the genus psilocybe or has carried out sampling observations into balkan region?
• Would you like to host or facilitate exploration missions in your area?
wish you all the best Mush love

Dr. Naturalist Fabio Mao Valletta (@naturalmao)

IT_: mush love a tutte, auguriamo che la vita stia scorrendo bene.
L'estate si avvicina e l'equipaggio del Progetto PsiloSoma si sta preparando per le prossime esplorazioni biogeografiche alla ricerca di Psilocybe nel mondo mediterraneo. Le prossime missioni di ricerca ed esplorazione saranno nei Balcani da agosto a novembre-dicembre. Attualmente siamo in Italia e in Germania dove stiamo cercando di aumentarne l'autonomia energetica e il comfort del laboratorio mobile. Da metà/fine luglio, partiremo dalla Macedonia settentrionale e ci sposteremo lungo i Balcani, in particolare in Grecia, Albania, Montenegro, Kosovo, Bosnia Erzegovina, Croazia e Slovenia. Vorremmo selezionare i luoghi più adatti per le esplorazioni ed i campionamenti, richiedere i relativi permessi alle autorità competenti e scoprire se ci sono interessi comuni di sviluppo della ricerca con altri ricercatori.
• Ti piacerebbe partecipare e collaborare allo studio corologico sui Balcani?
• Cosa ti interessa di questo progetto e come pensate di poter contribuire?
• Che tipo di esperienza hai con la micologia e i funghi magici?
• Conosci le abitudini di pastorizia con mucche, asini, cavalli?
• Ci sono riferimenti ai funghi magici nella vostra zona come tradizioni popolari, manufatti, pubblicazioni?
• Conosci qualcuno che sta studiando (micologo, micofilo, universitario) il genere psilocybe o che ha effettuato osservazioni di campionamento nella regione balcanica?
• Vorresti ospitare o facilitare missioni di esplorazione nella tua zona?
vi auguro tutto il meglior “Mush love”

Dr. Naturalista Fabio Mao Valletta (@naturalmao)

ES_: mush love everyone, espero que la vida fluya bien.
Se acerca el verano y el equipo del Proyecto PsiloSoma se prepara para las próximas exploraciones biogeográficas en busca de Psilocybe por el mundo mediterráneo. Las próximas misiones de investigación y exploración serán en los Balcanes de agosto a noviembre. Actualmente estamos en Italia y Alemania donde intentamos aumentar la autonomía energética y el confort del laboratorio móvil. A partir de mediados/finales de julio, partiremos del norte de Macedonia y nos desplazaremos por los Balcanes, especialmente Grecia, Albania, Montenegro, Kosovo, Bosnia Herzegovina, Croacia y Eslovenia. Nos gustaría seleccionar los lugares más adecuados para la exploración y el muestreo, solicitar los permisos pertinentes a las autoridades competentes y averiguar si existen intereses comunes de desarrollo de la investigación con otros investigadores.
• Te gustaría participar para cooperar-implicarte en el estudio corológico sobre los Balcanes?
• Qué le atrae de este Proyecto y como crees que puedes ayudar?
• Que tipo de experiencia tienes con la micología y la setas mágicas?
• Conoces hábitats alrededor con pastos con vacas, burros, caballos?
• Existen referencias sobre las setas mágicas en su zona como tradiciones populares, artefactos, publicaciones?
• Conoce a alguien que esté estudiando (micólogo, micófilo, universidad) el género psilocybe o que haya realizado observaciones de muestreo en la región de los Balcanes?
• Te gustaría acoger o facilitar misiones de exploración en tu zona?
le deseo todo lo mejor Mush love

Dr. Naturalista Fabio Mao Valletta (@naturalmao)

Publicado el mayo 31, 2023 11:24 MAÑANA por naturalmao naturalmao | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

05 de enero de 2023

happy new year to all and mush love

ENG_: happy new year to all and mush love. here is a summary of some of the exploratory missions carried out in search of magic mushrooms during 2022. 54 days of mission, approximately 4200km travelled, 4 species found in more than twenty new locations and 3 countries around the Mediterranean Sea; thanks to the work done and to the supporters and volunteers who participated.

IT_: buon anno a tutte e mush love. ecco un riassunto di alcune delle missioni esplorative realizzate alla ricerca di funghi magici durante il 2022. 54 giorni di missione, circa 4200km percorsi, 4 specie rinvenute in più di venti nuove località e 3 nazioni intorno il mar mediterraneo; grazie a per il lavoro svolto ed ai sostenitori e volontari che hanno partecipato.
ES_: feliz año nuevo a todos y mush love. he aquí un resumen de algunas de las misiones exploratorias realizadas en busca de setas mágicas durante 2022. 54 días de misión, aproximadamente 4200 km recorridos, 4 especies encontradas en más de veinte lugares y 3 países alrededor del mar Mediterráneo; gracias al trabajo realizado y a los simpatizantes y voluntarios que participaron.

Year 2022
Spain, Galicia, January-February, 10 days mission: P. semilanceata, P. gallaeciae

Portugal, April-May, 10 days mission: P. semilanceata, P. fimetaria
Spain, Asturias, May, 1 day mission: Too dry

Italy, August, 7 days mission in Campania, Lazio, Molise, Abruzzo: Too dry
IT, September, 5 days mission in Campania, Molise: Too dry

IT, October-December 21 days mission: P. semilanceata, P. serbica

Thanks to the Naturalist Dr Fabio Mao Valletta

Publicado el enero 5, 2023 08:49 TARDE por naturalmao naturalmao | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

22 de noviembre de 2022

Psilocybe serbica

finally a lot of rain has arrived... so we set off on a new exploration mission for the matese regional park... and here it is a little-known species in Italy, but one that is very abundant on the calcareous soils of the apennines and has a high therapeutic potential. The Psilocybe serbica found among the ferns. The mission was suspended due to persistent rain and temperatures that reached -5°C at night. time to recover and regroup, and it's back to exploring. If you would like to participate or support the explorations, please do not hesitate to contact us. Any help is welcome.
mush love

Publicado el noviembre 22, 2022 06:05 TARDE por naturalmao naturalmao | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

13 de noviembre de 2022


Collecting wild mushrooms can be dangerous thay could have poisons and toxins, anyone choosing to seek out or consume wild mushrooms does so at own risk. The risk of misidentification with other taxa (some of which are potentially toxic) that share the same habitat and fruiting season, makes necessary to educate the public about taxa cerapters, by the mycological divulgation of this project. In this project are showed species may contain compounds classified as a scheduled drug by many national drug laws. The entire genus Psilocybe has been included for simplicity, although some species in Psilocybe may not contain psilocybin and they are not a list of species considered safe for consumption as psychedelics. This video is age-restricted, it is intented for use strictly as entertainment and informational product, it doesn't encourages dangerous or illegal activities that risk serious physical harm or death; instead it want to invite all the professionals and enthusiasts who can be interested to get involved in this biogeographical scientific study project. Please Don’t use drugs or alcohol to escape your problems and check the legal status of psilocybin mushrooms, in the area you are researching.
Mush Love

Publicado el noviembre 13, 2022 05:50 TARDE por naturalmao naturalmao | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

11 de noviembre de 2022

Update about exploration missions around Italy, Matese park

The exploration mission in the identified habitats bordering the Matese park in Campania and Molise is continuing well. The map analysis has so far been followed by six explorations carried out during August, September, October and November. The nature of the calcareous soil, the climate, however, hot and dry, and the now inevitable decrease in temperatures are contributing to conditions that are, still, not optimal for the abundant development of coprophimic fungi, so that this year it would seem difficult to fully assess the potential biodiversity of these mountains. Nevertheless, it has so far been possible to identify different species of fungi, some of which are wild shrooms; when the rains arrive, we will return to explore.


Mush Love @naturalmao

Publicado el noviembre 11, 2022 01:16 TARDE por naturalmao naturalmao | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario