
Animalia Chordata Vertebrata Reptilia Squamata Sauria Lacertidae Latastia Latastia ventralis

Taxonomic notes: This species was described by Werner (1917) based on a single male specimen from "Somaliland". The only subsequent literature reference to this taxon appears to be the account of Somali lizards by Parker (1942), in which the author tentatively suggests that L. ventralis may be a junior synonym of L. carinata. The species appears to have been forgotten thereafter, however Parker (1942) took no formal taxonomic action to synonymize it and the name must therefore be considered to refer to a valid, albeit essentially unknown, species pending taxonomic research to clarify its status.


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Geographic Range

This species was described from "Somaliland" (Werner 1917); no more specific information is available regarding its distribution.


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This species was described from a museum specimen, and there is no information on its ecology.


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This species is known only from a single male specimen (Parker 1942).


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Use Trade

There is presumably no use or trade in this species.


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It is unknown whether any threats exist to this species.


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Specific Threats


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    Conservation Actions

    It is unknown whether any conservation measures are required. Research is needed to clarify the validity of this apparently forgotten species.


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    Specific Actions


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      Red List Rationale

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      • Parker, H.W. 1942. The lizards of British Somaliland. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard 91: 1-101.
      • Werner, F. 1917. Über einige neue Reptilien und einen neuen Frosch des Zoologischen Museums in Hamburg. Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Hamburg 34(2): 31-39.


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