Identification links

Here, I will keep a list of the links I use to help me identify. I have decided to publish this to help others get a sense of where I am prioritizing my identifications if they're wondering. Since all taxa in sect. Anisophyllum known to occur in both the continental US and Taiwan have now been observed, I'm prioritizing other areas of the world as I have time. Part of my motivation for coming to iNaturalist was to see photos of all species in the section possible. Since that goal is complete in the US and Taiwan, I've decided to refocus my identification efforts. Future activity in those to countries will likely be devoted to select taxa, specific ID requests, and creating identification guides. Antilink here just refers to the opposite conditions of the link specified (e.g., for a link with all observations excluding Texas, the antilink means all observations only in Texas).

General forms of links
Observations with my ID, but unreviewed (&ident_user_id=nathantaylor), observations without my ID (&without_ident_user_id=nathantaylor), observations not from a place (e.g., US) (&not_in_place=), observations without a taxon (e.g., Euphorbia hyssopifolia complex) (&without_taxon_id=)

Current link for finding species I don't know. (excludes North America, Taiwan, common species, and observations I've added an ID to but don't consider reviewed)
Current most interesting unidentified observations (unfortunately, only I can see these since it only works for my unreviewed specimens)

Euphorbias without groups I'm not generally interested in curating (792732: sect. Euphorbia; 975162: ; 926930: sect. Esula; 792731: sect. Tirucalli; 975150: sect. Aphyllis; 975171: sect. Paralias; 896584: Athymalus; 792728: sect. Goniostema; 975179: sect. Deuterocalli; 1521715: E. dentata complex; 1522916: E. hyssopifolia complex; 162845: E. pulcherrima. Occasionally interested: 803654: sect. Articulofruticosae; 792713: sect. Patellares)

Commonly cultivated Euphorbia species:
Euphorbia pulcherrima, Euphorbia graminea, Euphorbia cotinifolia, Sect. Goniostema, Sect. Euphorbia, Sect. Tirucalli, Subg. Athymalus, Sect. Monadenium,

Euphorbia [template],

Without most common taxa
&without_taxon_id=58893,58144,200053,275384,200054,131561,131560,148406,275390,200052,1522916 (58893: E. maculata; 58144: E. polycarpa; 200053: E. prostrata; 275384: E. hypericifolia; 200054: E. serpens; 131561: E. hyssopifolia; 131560: E. hirta; 148406: E. albomarginata; 275390: E. melanadenia; 200052: E. nutans; 1522916: E. hyssopifolia complex. Included because of taxonomic problems: 148407: E. fendleri; 550259: E. serpillifolia; 131563: E. ophthalmica)

United States (antilink):
North America (antilink):

Special conditions (species outside the range of look alikes)
Euphorbia maculata excluding range of E. humistrata (MN-NB to TX and east in US). (antilink)
Euphorbia maculata NE cities without E. humistrata (MN-NB to TX and east in US).
Euphorbia maculata excluding range of E. humistrata, E. thymifolia, and E. dioeca (Northern Hemisphere).
Euphorbia maculata excluding range of E. thymifolia and E. dioeca (SouthernHemisphere).
Euphorbia albomarginata excluding range of long appendaged form of E. polycarpa. (antilink)
E. hirta outside of range of E. ophthalmica (last used: 11 Nov 2023) (place_id=7887[Taiwan],6681[India],6903[China],63708[Middle East],7042[Kenya],7144[Tanzania]) (antilink (last used: 11 Nov 2023)).

By Hemisphere
Southern Hemisphere (nelat=0&nelng=-0.0000001&swlat=-80&swlng=0)
Northern Hemisphere (nelat=80&nelng=-0.0000001&swlat=0&swlng=0)
Tropics (between Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn) (nelat=23.43632&nelng=-0.0000001&swlat=-23.43632&swlng=0)
Northern subtropics (nelat=35&nelng=-0.0000001&swlat=23.43632&swlng=0)
Southern subtropics (nelat=-23.43632&nelng=-0.0000001&swlat=-35&swlng=0)
Northern temperate (nelat=80&nelng=-0.0000001&swlat=35&swlng=0)
Southern temperate (nelat=-35&nelng=-0.0000001&swlat=-80&swlng=0)
Leftovers (check periodically) (nelat=80&nelng=0&swlat=-80&swlng=-0.0001)

Caribbean Islands excluding Florida (&place_id=7315,7313,141379,141321 | 7315: Turks and Caicos Islands, 7313: Bahamas, 141379: Lesser Antilles, 141321: Greater Antilles)

Northern Mexico,59163,7187,11165,6935,11166,7447,58810,11169,7443&taxon_id=506796

Baja Peninsula:

Strict sense:,6935,11166,7447,58810&taxon_id=506796
Broad sense:,6935,11166,7447,58810,11169,7443&taxon_id=506796

Central Mexico (needs regionalization):,59163,7187,11165,6935,11166,7447,58810,11169,7443&taxon_id=506796

Euphorbia anthonyi:


[Place IDs: Venezuela (1303); Columbia (7196); Ecuador (7512; -Galapagos: &place_id=7512&not_in_place=12990); Peru (7513); SMALL NORTHERN: Guyana (8142); Suriname (7827); French Guiana (6949); SOUTH CONE: Bolivia (6783); Chile (7182); Paraguay (7254); Uruguay (7259); Argentina (7190); BRAZIL (6878).]



South Cone:,7182,7254,7259,7190&taxon_id=506796

Brazil (needs regionalization):


Middle East:,8207,10299,6815,11730,7055,7833,7358,7837,7356,7359,7357,10284,7355,8206,6818,7351,7352,7346,8435,7341,7076&taxon_id=506796
[Place IDs: Turkey (7183), Syria (8207), Lebanon, (10299), Israel (6815), West Bank (11730), Egypt (7055), Jordan (7833), Saudi Arabia (7358), Yemen (7837), Oman (7356), United Arab Emirates (7359), Qatar (7357), Bahrain (10284), Kuwait (7355), Iraq (8206), Iran (6818), Turkmenistan (7351), Uzbekistan (7352), Kyrgyzstan (7346), Tajikistan (8435), Afghanistan (7341), Pakistan (7076)]

[Place IDs: India (6681), Nepal (7335), Bhutan (7707), Bangladesh (7154)]

Southeast Asia:,6967,7155,7001,7002,6847&taxon_id=506796
[Place IDs: Myanmar (Burma) (6992), Thailand (6967), Malaysia (7155), Laos (7001), Cambodia (7002), Vietnam (6847)]

China, Taiwan, Japan, etc.:,7347,7887,6737,8432,6891&taxon_id=506796
[Place IDs: China (6903), Mongolia (7347), Taiwan (7887), Japan (6737), North Korea (8432), South Korea (6891)]


Without Madagascar and adjacent islands:,10306,8421,9319,8834,8357,8358&taxon_id=506796

Flora of Tropical East Africa,7106,7142,6968,7042&taxon_id=506796
[Place IDs: Tanzania (7144), Burundi (7106), Rwanda (7142), Uganda (6968), Kenya (7042)]
Flora Zambesiana,7113,7134,7146,7105,97120&taxon_id=506796
[Place IDs: Zambia (7145), Malawi (7113), Mozambique (7134), Zimbabwe (7146), Botswana (7105), Zambezi (Namibia; 97120)]

INDIAN OCEAN (working),10306,8421,9319,8834,8357,8358,10800,8425,10295,7077,7616,10287,12515,10293,48150,121020&taxon_id=506796
Working region:
Geographic outer bounds including large parts of adjacent continents:

Arabian Islands (i.e., Socotra; may expand):
[Place IDs: Qulensya Wa Abd Al Kuri (48150), Socotra (121020)]

Madagascan Islands:,10306,8421,9319,8834,8357,8358&taxon_id=506796
[Place IDs: MADAGASCAR (7783): Mayotte (10306) Comoros (8421), !French Southern Territories (9319), Reunion (8834), Mauritius (8357), Seychelles (8358)]

Indian Islands:,8425,10295,7077&taxon_id=506796
[Place IDs: Lakshadweep (India; 10800), Maldives (8425), British Indian Ocean Territory (10295), Sri Lanka (7077)]

Indonesian adjacent:,10287&taxon_id=506796
[Place IDs: Christmas Island (7616), Cocos Islands (10287)]

South Indian Islands:,9319,10293&taxon_id=506796
[Place IDs: Prince Edward Islands (12515), !French Southern Territories (9319), Heard Island and McDonald Islands (10293)]

Without Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea, Hawaii, and US Territories:,6803,7013,6966,11,10316&taxon_id=506796
[Place IDs: Australia (6744), New Zealand (6803), Indonesia (6966), Papua New Guinea (7013), Philippines (6873), Malaysia (7155)]



[Place IDs: Hawaii (11), United States Minor Outlying Islands (10316)]

Islands with endemics:

North Atlantic:,13197,7291,80273,9445&taxon_id=506796
[Place IDs: NORTH AMERICAN: Bermuda (8638); AFRICAN/EUROPEAN: Azores (13197), Madeira (7291), Islas Canarias (80273), Cape Verde (9445)]

South Atlantic:
[Place IDs: Saint Helena: (6685), SOUTH AMERICAN: Fernando de Noronha (23799), Ilha Trindade (20937); SOUTH AMERICAN/ANTARCTIC: Falkland Islands (7690), South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (7985)]

Observations with an identification of a sandmat:

Common Euphorb identifiers or experts (Euphorbia; working list):
Knowledgeable power-identifier's usernames: trh_blue, janeyair
Recognized Euphorbia experts' usernames: vicsteinmann [Euphorbia; Mexico and South America], spurgeckr [Poinsettia, Tithymalus, Anisophyllum; North America], dmitrygeltman [sect. Esula, subg. Esula in Russia?], edwinbridges [US Nummulariopsis]

Expert identifications for reference (Euphorbia):,spurgeckr,dmitrygeltman,edwinbridges

Knowledgeable power-identifier:,janeyair,jrebman
janeyair review observation
trh_blue review observations: 80-90% confidence
trh_blue review observations: 60-80% confidence
trh_blue review observations: 20-60% confidence
Without IDs:,janeyair,jrebman

Searching Broadly:
Anisophyllum (without species-level ID):
Chamaesyce (without section-level ID):
Euphorbia (without subgenus-level ID):
Euphorbiaceae (without genus-level ID):
Malpighiales (without family-level ID):
Dicots (without order-level ID):
Plants (without class-level ID):
Plants (without genus-level) that have an Anisophyllum ID:

Peplis Clade
Sand clade:
[E. geyeri var. geyeri: 314585; E. geyeri var. wheeleriana: 314584; E. bombensis: 131559; E. cordifolia: 202340; E. cumulicola: 505195; E. carunculata: 275375; E. platysperma: 275399; E. incerta: 275385; E. polygonifolia: 203695; E. missurica: 474008; E. parryi: 148411; E. peplis: 334741; E. glaucophylla: 1013585]
Fendleri clade:
[E. crepitata var. crepitata: 314580; E. crepitata var. longa: 314581; E. crepitata: 273725; E. chaetocalyx var. chaetocalyx: 314578; E. chaetocalyx var. triligulata: 314579; E. chaetocalyx: 273724; E. cryptorubra: 502566; E. golondrina: 275382; E. fruticulosa var. fruticulosa: 314582; E. fruticulosa var. hirtella: 314583; E. fruticulosa: 273726; E. perennans: 275395; E. simulans: 275405; E. theriaca var. theriaca: 314599; E. theriaca var. spurca: 314600; E. theriaca: 273731; Tentative placement: E. scopulorum: 273729; E. scopulorum var. inornata: 314594; E. scopulorum var. nuda: NA; E. scopulorum var. scopulorum: NA]
[E. scopulorum: 273729; E. scopulorum var. inornata: 314594; E. scopulorum var. nuda: NA; E. scopulorum var. scopulorum: NA; E. ocellata: 473570; E. ocellata var. ocellata: 506216; E. ocellata var. rattanii: 506218; E. ocellata var. arenicola: 506217; E. parishii: 474004]
Chihuahuan clade:
[ : ; : ; : ; : ; : ; : ; : ; : ; : ; : ;]
Wire clade:

[ : ; : ; : ; : ; : ; : ; : ; : ; : ; : ;]
Sonoran 2 clade:
[ : ; : ; : ; : ; : ; : ; : ; : ; : ; : ;]
Sonoran 1 clade (excluding putative hybrids with E. serpens):
[ : ; : ; : ; : ; : ; : ; : ; : ; : ; : ;]

Base format:
[Place IDs: ]

Test for compare function:
E. fendleri map 1
Map 2
Map 3
Observation field:
E. antisyphilitica
Sanddune clade
Chihuahuan Desert endemic clade

Density gradient maps

Density gradient map for sect. Anisophyllum
Density gradient map for sect. Anisophyllum without most commonly observed species (antilink)
Density gradient map for sect. Anisophyllum without most commonly observed species (species level IDs only)
Density gradient map for Euphorbia

Species complexes

E. porteriana s.l.
Big Pine Key morphotypes ([garberi][ogdenii])
Duck Key morphotypes ([garberi, ogdenii])
Layton Key morphotypes ([ogdenii])
Key Largo morphotypes ([porteriana])

E. fendleri complex

E. fruticulosa group
Coahuila core: place_id=101545,101502,101583

  • place_id=101545,101502,101583,101568,36657,36648,37336,101581
    place_id=101545 (Cuatro Ciénegas), 101502 (Francisco I. Madero, CP),101583 (San Pedro, CP), 101568 (Matamoros, CP),36657 (Lerdo, DU),36648 (Cuencamé, DU),37336 (Mina, NL),101581 (Ramos Arizpe)
    Possible extras

  • ,101561,101578
    Last reviewed 13 Apr 2024

Publicado el enero 20, 2021 04:06 MAÑANA por nathantaylor nathantaylor


@trh_blue @janeyair Since I've been optimizing my identification process, I've learned that I can easily look at identifications of certain species made by certain users. If there are particular species you are struggling with, I can easily create a link to look at the identifications you have made of that species, check your work, and offer suggestions as you stride toward spurge mastery. I'm thinking a good use of some of my time on iNaturalist would be to help you both (and others if you have someone in mind who wants to focus on spurge ID beyond their local area) get better at their Euphorbia identification skills and these links should provide a much more focused and responsive way for me to do that.

Also, if there are any species that you feel very comfortable identifying, and I feel you have a good handle on the concepts, I might consider making a list to get a sense of what IDs I probably don't have to worry that hard about if you've IDed them. I'll probably not include E. nutans, E. hyssopifolia, E. maculata (in certain regions where it's a problem), E. humistrata, anything in the E. dioeca group, or some of the other problem taxa as I doubt anyone has a good handle on IDing them from the average photos posted on iNaturalist except under better than average conditions (I certainly don't except on occasions when I spend a full day devoted to it). You might feel the concept of a list of things you're comfortable identifying intimidating but, if you're interested in the idea, let me know and we can talk about it. Anyway, just an idea I had.

Also, have you noticed any other people who have really contributed or wanted to contribute Euphorbia IDs? Most of the other identifiers at the top of the leaderboards are very locally focused to a state at the most or are in focused on areas where I really can't help outside of Anisophyllum (e.g., South Africa or Europe). jaykeller was offering a lot of IDs for a while, but I think he got too busy. With the way I'm using links now, it makes me think a tutorial I put together a few years ago might actually work.

Lastly, I don't want to make more work for either of you (you're both doing great work as is) but I'd like to offer some extra support and structure as my time allows if you think it would be helpful. Since I no longer have the time to look through all the observations (I've even had to cut out most of the US Anisophyllum observations from my daily iNat to-dos), I feel like I'm missing the opportunity to help guide toward better IDs except in very select circumstances.

Publicado por nathantaylor hace más de 3 años

First of all, I'd like to repeat how grateful I am for your willingness to help. The general willingness of experts to take the time to explain stuff on iNat is wonderful and you're no exception. Feeling especially happy about it because last night I had to tell yet another dbag on the Forum that his feature request to essentially ban newbies from making IDs ever is not cool and oh boy was he an elitist little shit and a bully on top of it.
I can definitely make a list of where I feel I have more or less expertise. And I am very, very slowly making progress on the Euphorbia workshop I mentioned, which is both a great way for me to learn and a good way we can get more people involved in Euphorbia identification.
Will get back to you. Might be worth a Skype/discord call (if you're cool with that).

Publicado por astra_the_dragon hace más de 3 años

Oh, I've offered @oxalismtp , @jeanphilippeb and @arboretum_amy private previews of the workshop once there's more of it and they were all interested

Publicado por astra_the_dragon hace más de 3 años

No problem and sounds good. If you want to discuss the Euphorbia via discord or skype, I think it'd be better to discuss the details via email or messages.

Publicado por nathantaylor hace más de 3 años

@nathantaylor It’s been awhile since I’ve been on here and then just briefly. I’m tiptoeing back in and going through notifications. When I get warmed up I’ll get back to you about your suggestions above. It seems like a good idea.

Publicado por janeyair hace más de 3 años

Great! No pressure at all, though. Just let me know.

Publicado por nathantaylor hace más de 3 años

I've now added links to review both of your identifications for species that you've listed as being less sure about (see "Knowledgeable power-identifier:"). To actually see what they represent, you may have to view the reviewed observations in Identify after clicking the link. Let me know if you want me to adjust the list of species.

Publicado por nathantaylor hace más de 3 años

looks good. I'll update you again in a few months I figure. I've been starting work on a May ID-a-thon so that's going to keep me busy with less time to learn new species.

Publicado por astra_the_dragon hace más de 3 años

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