Diario del proyecto Sphingidae (Hawkmoths) of southern Africa

Archivos de diario de enero 2023

05 de enero de 2023

The large striped brown adult hawk moths of southern Africa

Here is some illustrated ID help for the large striped brown adult hawk moths. This is not necessarily an exhaustive selection, and I'm sure more species will come to light in future.


These moths have white (or pinkish) stripes running vertically down the wing.

Photo credits: Hyles livornica @henrydelange | Rhodafra opheltes @ricky_taylor | Basiotha charis @janet_taylor | Basiotha schenki @steveball


Most of the Hippotions and a couple of Theretras. Check abdomen markings (or lack thereof) and the shape, width and colour of the median band when ID'ing your moths. There is quite a lot of variation within a species, and older, worn moths can look very different to freshly emerged adults.

Photo credits: Hippotion balsaminae @botswanabugs | Hippotion eson @moira_fitzpatrick | Hippotion celerio @suncana | Theretra monteironis @riana60 | Hippotion osiris @ajdyason | Hippotion aporodes (probably) @jeanpaulboerekamps | Theretra cajus @colin25

This was knocked up pretty quickly, so please let me know of any errors or omissions ;-)

Thank you very much, as always, to the photographers for their wonderful images!

Publicado el enero 5, 2023 08:50 MAÑANA por karoopixie karoopixie | 8 comentarios | Deja un comentario
