Month End Report, Nov. 2019 / 十一月份的報告

Month End Report, Nov. 2019 (EN/英)
2019 年十一月份的報告 (TW/台)**
Statistics as of November, 2019 十一月底的統計資料
....item......... ....number.... comparing with previous month (MoM)
...........項目 ......................... 數量 ...........增加/減少(比列)
observation 觀察記錄: .....8,935...........+350....(-17.3%)

species (& ssp) ..物種: ...135(138)........+0
people........參與人 數:......677.............+77...(+63.8%)


The number of obs added to the Project further decreased as expected, comparing with Oct, it was -17.3% MoM (-2.2% YoY). But big increase of the members, there were 6 joining in Nov. Welcome! They are,
十一月份咱這个專案所收錄的觀察紀錄偕頂个月比起來閣進一步減少,衰退了 17.3%,佮舊年十月份比起來嘛小括減了 2.2%。不而過,專案成員加增加未少,有六位宁十一月份加入,歡迎!歡迎!。這六位是:

  1. @mimiworm 11/1
  2. @phoebe21 11/7
  3. @kallima 11/9
  4. @yuchi 11/9
    100 @miwuhsieh 11/11
    101 @max822 11/18

    Remarks / 註解

** TW is used to indicate Taiwanese Hokkien language here. However, the author well understands that there are several languages in Taiwan and Hokkien is only one of them.

Publicado el diciembre 2, 2019 05:12 MAÑANA por aru aru


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