Southwestern U.S. Painted Lady Migration - Enormous and Extensive!

The ongoing Painted Lady migration is well underway, after a seeming delay in some areas due to cool weather. Large numbers were passing through Palm Springs, California on and before March 2, 2019, and some of these butterflies were observed flying westward. They also became abundant in the Las Vegas area around March 4, and continue to be present there in large numbers. Most recently, an enormous swarm has been flying northward through the Los Angeles area, both yesterday and today, March 12. Painted Ladies are now widespread throughout southern California, including in Borrego Springs, where an extensive northward migration was underway on March 11. In Yuma, in the southwestern corner of Arizona, Painted Ladies have likewise been flying in huge numbers for the last two to three weeks, mainly in a northwestern direction. The entire outbreak was likely triggered by considerable local rain associated with the current El Niño event, followed by prolific blooms of desert annuals and growth of larval food plants.

Although the butterflies have often been reported as flying generally northward, there seems to be substantial local variation in flight direction in much the same way as occurred during a similar large and well-observed migration from February through April 2005. You can find out more about the 2005 migration from today's news posting on the Red Admiral and Painted Lady Research Site, .

Publicado el marzo 12, 2019 08:37 TARDE por iowabiologist iowabiologist


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