Atención: Algunas o todas las identificaciones afectadas por esta división puede haber sido reemplazada por identificaciones de Cymbiola. Esto ocurre cuando no podemos asignar automáticamente una identificación a uno de los taxa de salida. Revisar identificaciones de Cymbiola nivosa 771779

Taxonomic Split 144978 (Guardado el 15/07/2024)

Añadido por ben_travaglini el julio 14, 2024 07:48 MAÑANA | Comprometido por ben_travaglini el 15 de julio de 2024
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@thomaseverest, does this look all good to Commit? This is my first time doing a Split with Atlasing, so not confident this should work as intended. The distributions of both species were sourced from the Australian Faunal Directory and replicated via local government areas (shires).

Publicado por ben_travaglini hace 2 meses

Weirdly, it's saying on my end that C. oblita is "Not Atlased", even though when you click on it, it is.

Publicado por ben_travaglini hace 2 meses

Hm if it doesn't think it's atlased everything will be bumped to genus (you can look at the predicted results with the Analyze IDs button right above the map). I don't know why it's doing that though. I tried inactivating and reactivating and that doesn't seem to have helped. Did you start with an active or inactive atlas? Maybe @loarie would know? Looks like a bug to me.

Publicado por thomaseverest hace 2 meses

Cymbiola oblita had no places. I added Port Hedland, WA, AU. But I don't think these atlases are going to do what you want since pretty much all the obs will be rolled back to Cymbiola. If you click "Analyze IDs" I'm seeing:

Total IDs of input taxon: 132
Number of IDs Destination Atlas
8 Cymbiola nivosa Atlased
0 Cymbiola oblita Atlased
105 Cymbiola Outside of all atlases
19 Cymbiola Overlapping atlases

You probably want to construct atlases that cover all the obs and minimally overlap

Publicado por loarie hace 2 meses

When I look at C. oblita's atlas, I have as much of the distribution covered as possible. I started with an Inactive Atlas (for both species), and Activated it before adding the Places. As far as I understand, if I click Explode, that means that Place becomes part of the Atlas. If not, that might be the issue. For instance, with C. oblita, Port Hedland was Exploded, and was then Collapsed (by @loarie) – does that 'Activate' a Place, in a sense?
There is a little bit of overlap between the two species: for those Obs, I'll just ask the top IDers to check over them and adjust.

Publicado por ben_travaglini hace 2 meses

Exploding allows you to select smaller portions of a given place, but you still have to select add. So if you want to add a place, click Add instead of Explode.

Publicado por thomaseverest hace 2 meses

Ah, that must be why. Will fix that up soon.

Publicado por ben_travaglini hace 2 meses

I can't seem to find the Add button. I only see Explode or Collapse.

Publicado por ben_travaglini hace 2 meses

I'm not sure why the places within Western Australia are saying unexplode instead of add, but you may need to unexplode them first to get back to the level at which you want to add them.

Publicado por thomaseverest hace 2 meses

If you click 'edit' you can collapse a bunch of places, I did that to hopefully sort you out better. You probably only want the states exploded and then add municipalities within those

Publicado por loarie hace 2 meses

Ok, at this point, I'm convinced this is a bug: I've tried using (instead of, deleting the Atlas, turning off an ad blocker, using a different browser... and I still cannot see an Add option nor Unexplode. I've read through the Atlasing guide, which tells me: "Clicking within [a country] displays two options in the right panel: "Add this place" and "Explode this place." I don't see this Add button.
It also provides images of what the top panel of the Atlas should (?) look like, where there is a map and some settings next to the map. I don't see these settings, only a box titled "About Atlases".
Or maybe I'm still just missing something... but I can't figure it out.

Publicado por ben_travaglini hace 2 meses

You want to click "Add this place". That's what I meant by add, sorry. It should be filled in green when it is added.

Publicado por thomaseverest hace 2 meses

Well, I should've read the guide a bit better... I just had to click the areas on the map. Can finally patch this up now – sorry about that!

Publicado por ben_travaglini hace 2 meses

No worries! Doing a split for the first time is a little daunting, and hopefully this was less traumatizing than my first split lol. Best to start with low stakes ones like this. I'm happy to look through any others you work on. The unionid experts have been splitting like crazy so I'm getting good practice.

Publicado por thomaseverest hace 2 meses

nice work! thanks for doing this split

Publicado por loarie hace 2 meses

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