Single small fruiting in grass at Kettleview park.
Harvested specimen.
Spore printed cap directly on a glass slide.
Spore print: black.
Mounted spore printed slide in 3% KOH.
Spores: Lemon shaped, large, not roughened but with a few droplets/guttules within spores, thick walled. Germ pore present on pointed side. Dark golden brown/black in KOH.
Dehydrating specimen for herbarium collection/genetic record.
My coinciding Mushroomobserver observation linked below-
Removed dried gill tissue from cap later in evening and mounted in 3% KOH on a 2nd slide.
Cheilocystidia: with variable tips/necks.
Basidia: 4 sterigmate.
Spores: dark brown/black.
Trama/base cells: rounded to irregular/abundant.
Common Russula area. Growing solitary, looked closely for nearby lobsters to no avail :(
Young specimens-at maturity a rusty stain will generally occur with this species-on cap tips or with age where handled. Disturbed soil-trailside.
pretty dried up by the looks of it, growing in the needle duff under some pines
Very likely A. aprica, or some other niche amanita.