window collision
because of the location, I'm 95% sure this was a window collision (odd with a starling but it happens)
window collision, Newark Ironside
window collision (though found in middle of road), taken to clinic
window collision, 3 penn plaza
window collision, being taken to clinic
window collision -- on the ground about a foot left of the ONC sign. flew off, nearly hitting the building across the street
window collision, being taken to clinic
window collision, Seton Hall law School
window collision. one of two COYEs who collided at NJPAC--this observation is for the one that isn't an adult male
window collision. the other of two COYES at same location
window collision, coad building, NJIT
window collision, legal center at 1 riverfront
window collision, seton hall law school
window collision. (i'm saying window collision because of the blood from mouth and the placement--under skybridge but not in road)
window collision. (i'm saying window collision because of the blood from mouth and the placement--under skybridge but not in road)
window collision. second photo is gruesome
window collision, PSE&G. one of several wren species this morning (a carolina or marsh bounced off pru tower and flew off)
window collision, east side of life sciences bldg, Rutgers
window collision, probably from yesterday, three Penn plaza
window collision, seton hall law school, likely hit some time between 8:30 and 10 am