Sagebrush lizard - Basing id on the black mark in front of front legs.
7/03/19: based on comments from identifiers, I am changing id from Sagebrush to Western Fence.
Possibly a male from posturing displays.
I am ID'ing this hatchling as Elgaria multicarinata, because I have confirmed adults on the property. You can judge the size of this baby by the deck screw head also seen in the photo.
Basking on a log in pool below culvert. Active fire burning in West Fork Trail Creek and Chicago Creek Drainage upstream.
The eyes were yellow on this juvenile, which identified it to me as a Southern Alligator lizard. It had a wound behind the front right leg and later died of the injury.
Large gravid female shown digging her nest just before laying eggs. The nest hole was then carefully back-filled and disguised with leaf litter. Nest location is flagged with date.