fallen decaying spruce trunk, close to stream; microscopy was performed
fallen robust trunk of coniferous tree (Picea abies or Abies alba)
attached dead spruce branch, in spruce subalpine virgin forest
fallen hygric spruce trunk, spruce virgin subalpine forest
Attached dry branch of Picea abies. Leg & det.: Filip Fuljer, Adam Polhorský
Microscopy was performed. Attached dry branch of Picea abies.. Leg & det.: Filip Fuljer, Adam Polhorský
Attached dry branch of Picea abies. Leg & det.: Filip Fuljer, Adam Polhorský
Attached dry branch of Picea abies. Leg & det.: Filip Fuljer, Adam Polhorský
Attached dry branch of Picea abies. Leg & det.: Filip Fuljer, Adam Polhorský
Exkursion "Herbstliche Ruderalflora in Floridsdorf", Verein zur Erforschung der Flora Österreichs