That last picture is the peach that it is growing on . This is in a greenhouse . It attacks peaches still on the tree as well as on the ground.
Tried to clone Panellus stipticus and got this too!
Burn morels probly, right after the matts creek fire
On Echinochloa crus-galli growing mixed with rice crops. Rural road/Old Mondego River side. Fungus presents itself as round black structures, scattered on the seeds.
On an old and wet door, inside an abandoned convent. It has a dusty texture. It peels off the wood easily.
On Eriobotrya japonica, on tip of leaf, on the dead areas. Garden.
Growing media PDA
Culture color Bluish-green color
Spore Shape: Round-shaped (Fig 15.2)
Spore color: Mostly colorless
Distinct conidiophore terminated by a swollen vesicle bearing flask-shaped phialides (Fig 15.3).
Phialides may be borne directly on the vesicle (Fig 15.3).
Spore color depends on the species.
This fungus is most commonly isolated from soil and plant debris.
Choose this species (Aspergillus fumigatus) based on the culture color