purple pink branches and tips, white body bruises/discolors tawny maroon.
Closest ITS matches are to AJ408368 a collection from Spain labelled "Ramaria rubripermanens" 409/412(99%), and another labelled "Ramaria aff. rubripermanens" KT307863 from Mexico 398/403(99%), however, these are distant from most other Ramaria rubripermanens in GenBank.
Aaaand they're back! Same fungi as https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/177857575 and https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/177916144 but a year later. Once again I checked the spot after heavy rainfall. Think I might've found them fresher than last time. Slugs are all over them.
Very similar looking to Ramaria anziana. The pictures were hard to get the color right. The base was white with pinkish tones beginning part way up the ‘stipe’ with orange colored tips.