Fotos / Sonidos


Cardenal Rojo (Cardinalis cardinalis)




Febrero 21, 2020 a las 01:29 TARDE EST


This Northern Cardinal was found at Lettuce Lake Park in Tampa, Florida on Friday February 21, 2020 at approximately 1:30 in the afternoon. The weather was cloudy, windy, and cool. The cardinal was found near a garden with bird feeders outside of an informational building at the park. There were many birds near the area and only one image was able to be taken due to the constant movement and flying of the birds near the feeder at the time. The cardinal is a bright red color with black around the beak and head as well as some black by the wings. It was approximately 5-8 inches in height, the wing span is unknown. Commonly both sexes of the bird range from 8.3-9.1 inches in height and have a wingspan of 9.8-12.2 inches. It is common in the Southeastern region of the United States during all seasons. The male cardinals are usually the bird seen with the bright red coloring, females are typically a brown color with some red coloring on the tips of their wings and bright orangish red beak. Cardinals typically inhabit areas such as woodland edges, thickets, suburban gardens, towns, and desert washes. They can also be found in a variety of brushy or semi-open habitats.


Cardenal Rojo - Photo (c) Laura Keene, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC), subido por Laura Keene
Identificación de mcdermott_a_002: Cardenal Rojo (Cardinalis cardinalis)
Añadido el 05 abril 2020
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