Giant dinner plate size mushroom, the pine cone is for size reference
Looks like A. ravenelii?
Compare younger specimen at
Also see 206404 at
In oak woods.
Is same species as MO 206404 perhaps?
In mixed oak woods.
Two collections.
I’m guessing A. daucipes?
thick veil, dog leg bend in bulb. white spores. distinctive odor, like disinfectant. growing through pine straw under mixed tree line.
Observed in Chattahooche-Oconee National Forest. It looks to be in the Amanita genus, but I am uncertain about its specific epithet. steves obs collect
Amanita ravenelii
hills47448 obs
Amanita ravenelii
DNA - ITS - Nanopore
Originally posted to on July 20, 2016 by user: Stephen Russell at
solitary specimen. irreparably damaged in transit, sadly.
Substrate: in leaf-littered soil under a thick stand of Rhododendron and mixed trees.
Habitat: mixed deciduous + coniferous temperate rainforest, ~4500 ft.
Collectors: L. Gallagher, D. Newman & M. Voller.
Collected for the 2014 Fleshy Fungi of the Highlands Plateau course, taught by Andy Methven at the Highlands Biological Station in Highlands, North Carolina.
Mixed cove forest, seems to be a more pine dominant area