Reminds me of a porcupine trail but I don't think the location / habitat is right. about a dozen of the trails found going between a forest and river, about 10-20m long, often found in pairs. Found perhaps a dozen along a half mile of river edge.
pellet and scat. Contents cherries. pellet left under a small perch with associated tracks and scat
found in an estuary. Contents likened to beaver scat, finely chopped plants and woody debris. Volume of contents similar to that of a bear.
I've seen this feeing sign on Osoberry a few times now this spring/summer. The cache/midden look of this pile, plus the precise holes make me think rodent and probably mouse or chipmunk? The bush seemed too small to support a squirrel's weight.
Western NY
Porcupine RH
Western NY
Porcupine LH
Western NY
Porcupine RF Claws
Western NY
Porcupine LF Claws
pellet. Found two of these beneath two different cedar trees, 20m apart. Last picture shows contents, only a few, tiny bones inside, the rest is fur
Seed clippings cached in sagebrush. Difficult to get photos of but it was in multiple spots on this sagebrush and intentionally vs. natural buildup.
Tracks near two holes (likely foraging behavior)
no confirmed evidence on iNat of snowshoe hare in this area yet (lowlands, away from the mountains). First time encountering these tracks in this area
Salamander / lizard. found under bridge. Long trail, consistent front and hind prints in pairs on either side of trail. Tail / body drag consistent and fairly straight. Trail width about 1.5"
strong metatarsal registering, probing holes extensive, no partial webbing showing. Snipe? I initially thought yellowlegs because I believe their tracks are more common in this area, but now thinking snipe is a better match
Tracks leading across sandy beach between forested dune and water line. Nocturnal animal.
Scat with intestines in it??
Seems large for spotted sandpiper and small for yellowlegs. Tracks measuring about 1 and 1/8 inches. Webbing present between toes 3 and 4. I believe hallux is present and registering occasionally. Poor photos of suspected bird in photos 2 and 3. Bird was walking / stepping slowly through shallow water.