15 de junio de 2023

Vandenberg Esplanade

For this week's walk I went to the Vandenberg Esplanade, a place that I really had only gone to when there were events happening there and thus most of the nature was obscured by the event. It was really windy when I went on my walk and it was also right before a thunderstorm went through so it felt a little muggy. I saw quite a few mosses along the way. I'm not exactly sure what species they were but there were a lot of interesting shades of green. I also saw quite a few flowering plants since most of them were in bloom making it easy to spot their colorful flowers. I saw a couple of pines trees and cones on the way as well. I also was able to spot and take photos of a couple animals this time. I came across a large family of geese at one point on a beach like area during the walk. There were probably around 10-15 of them in the water really close to the path which was interesting since most of the other animals that I saw on the walk would move away when they saw people coming.

Publicado el junio 15, 2023 05:29 TARDE por alice1088 alice1088 | 15 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

07 de junio de 2023

Hawk Valley Farm 06/07/2023

I went on a walk for approximately 30 minutes around Hawk Valley Farm, an area that I had went past daily for about a year but never actually went inside before. It was surprisingly warm given how the weather has been for the past few days and there were a lot of birds chirping (though none that I could spot since there was plenty of foliage for them to hide in). There were not that many identifiable non plant or animal species that I could spot beyond what was near the entrance on rocks and fallen trees since most of the area that I could walk through was very green and flowering, which made it hard to identify if there was something there compared to the plants surrounding it since I didn't want to step far off the path. However, there were a decent amount of what appeared to be different types of fungus or lichens growing on the rocks. I did make a lot of plant observations (next week's module) because I was curious about what I was seeing and had read briefly about the area I was going into. I thought that this walk was interesting because this area is protected land that is surrounded by a bunch of houses. I never knew that there was this much flora and fauna near where I lived.

Publicado el junio 7, 2023 04:02 TARDE por alice1088 alice1088 | 17 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
