Archivos de diario de octubre 2022

06 de octubre de 2022

Nature Walk 2: 10/5/22

I went to pine tree preserve, which is right across from the plex at 6:45 AM ish. The weather was in the low 60s with a gray sky. The ground was wet because it rained all night long. At first, I didn't think it was going to be easy to find many types of fungus. However, I saw fungus once as I started my nature walk. I was surprised to find several types of fungus in such a small area. This connects to class because we learned about diversity and microbes. Microbes and fungus co-exist in conditions like I observed today. Seeing so many types of fungus in such a short amount of time and small space shows how diverse fungi can be.

Publicado el octubre 6, 2022 12:11 TARDE por choquetp choquetp | 8 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

20 de octubre de 2022

Nature Walk 10/19/22

I went to the Pine Tree Preserve around 8 PM. The weather was high 40's and the air was crisp, making it a cold but nice fall night. Right away on my nature walk, I saw ferns. Ferns fall under the Polypodiopsida group. Next, I saw some moss, which falls under the Bryophyta group. Then, I saw some pine trees, which fall under the Gymnosperms group. The last plant I observed were American Asters, which would fall under the Angiosperms group. It's amazing that so many types of plants can be observed in such a small space of nature.

Publicado el octubre 20, 2022 01:08 MAÑANA por choquetp choquetp | 5 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
