Archivos de diario de septiembre 2021

17 de septiembre de 2021

Golden Rods of Mount Royal Park

This past week I observed a plant presenting with long green leaves pointed in a directly outward manner from the stems and yellow flowers lining the middle part of the stem between the leaves. After further investigation I identified this plant to be Golden Rods or Acacia longifolia ssp. longifolia. This species is phylogenically located in domain Eukaryota, kingdom Plantae, phylum Spermatophyta, subphylum Angiospermae, and class Dicotyledonae. Speaking in regard to adaptive features, I would like to focus on the color of the flowers. The yellow and bright nature of its flowers signals to pollinators that the plant needs their assistance. Bees and other pollinators will be favorably attracted to this plant because of these colors thus improving their survivability and chance of reproducing. Switching topics to a general adaptation, every plant observed during this field study presented with green leaves that have a "waxy coating" to them. This adaptive trait limits the amount of water loss a leaf/plant experiences. The waxy coating ensures that water stays within the leaves and plant's systems. Transpiration is thus reduced due to this adaptive trait.

Publicado el septiembre 17, 2021 02:04 TARDE por lyndon_walsh lyndon_walsh | 1 observación
