15 de septiembre de 2019

The Square; Part I

Recording plants for a grid square in VC62...SE98C.

I've just been allocated a square by the vice county recorder for VC62 so I thought I'd make a whole study out of it. I'll be using my blog to monitor my progress in getting to know it. Whilst officially, it's just the plants I'll be recording, unofficially it'll be everything; flora, fauna, geology, history....with a bit of photography thrown in...and I'll be using this journal to act as a prompt to the blog.

Today was the first chance to get out into the square. Too late in the season really but it promises to be an interesting project. 129 species were recorded mainly from leaves but a few flowering specimens are clinging on. Rock rose, harebell, meadow cranesbill, common milkwort, a variety of speedwells, stitchwort, chickweed, bluebell, violet are just a few of the plants that piqued my interest. A few swallows flew low over the field stubble, a kestrel hovered, speckled woods were plentiful and the rain held off, just. As everything is dying down or moving away for the new season, I start recording. Not the best time to start but it'll be interesting to see how it changes over the year.

Habitats range from a dry valley with historic features, farms and arable field edges, a wood managed by YWT, old quarries and roadside verges. It certainly looks enticing in the plant department. I've added a few of the flowering plants, and a fungus, for starters.

Publicado el septiembre 15, 2019 07:32 TARDE por nicky-by-nature nicky-by-nature | 10 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
