Archivos de diario de enero 2014

27 de enero de 2014


Date: 1/22/14 Time:7:48 AM Temp: 58 F Weather: Sunny & Clear Thoughts: Beautiful morning, Cool Air, Walked up and down the stream for about an hour hoping to catch some form of aquatic life, none found , Very Silent Area, Few Interactions with other people, Periods of time pass with no sound (just water) not even birds chirping, expected too see more wild life, birds that I see are hard to identify not quick enough to get a good picture, Seems like there is more plant variety by the mountain
SOIL: Small smooth pebbles, Large Smooth Boulders, Leaf Litter, Twigs, Sand

Publicado el enero 27, 2014 06:44 MAÑANA por nileczko nileczko | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
