Archivos de diario de abril 2023

29 de abril de 2023

2023 Columbia Shuswap City Nature Challenge

This weekend is the City Nature Challenge! Although we may be stretching the definition of a 'City' a bit, people in the Columbia Shuswap Regional District can participate in this annual bioblitz through the CSRD CNC project; .

With snow just recently departed from the valley bottoms, it might feel a bit early to be out looking for bugs and birds. If that's the case, you might be interested in two projects later this year:

The Summer Northern Rocky Mountains Biodiversity Challenge (June 8-11th)


The Fall Northern Rocky Mountains Biodiversity Challenge (Sept 14th-Sept 17th)

These projects take inspiration from the City Nature Challenge, hoping to encourage interest in local biodiversity, but are geared towards the Yellowstone 2 Yukon region, with less of a focus on urban biodiversity and later observation windows better suited to our region's climate.

Find out more about the Northern Rocky Mountain Biodiversity Challenges here:

@mannimal @ellensc @ume1 @paul_grieve

Publicado el abril 29, 2023 09:24 TARDE por pete_tarleton pete_tarleton | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
