Archivos de diario de enero 2019

23 de enero de 2019

Solitary Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis)

On January 8th I spotted a Cattle Egret foraging in a field and from that day forward I saw it every single day, always alone. I reported its presence again on Jan 18th, day I aknowledged the specimen used to spend the night close to a farm fence but still on the ground (temperatures at night reach as low as -5°C/23°F). Another peculiairty is the fact that the cattle is present throughout the summer only and in this period only a few chickens wander around.
Last time I saw the specimen was yesterday morning, then in the afternoon the farmer ran over the field with the tractor to fertilize it and I think this scared the bird off. In total it spent at least 14 days roosting, feeding and wandering around the same small area (5.000 - 7.000 sqm). Given the fact I was able to check its presence at least three times every day I consider it to be always the same specimen.
All of this to report an unusual behaviour of a specimen which is usually very gregarious.

Publicado el enero 23, 2019 02:07 TARDE por richiriva richiriva | 2 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
