Archivos de diario de febrero 2014

05 de febrero de 2014

Geo-171-2014 Homework #2

I began my observations two days ago at Ocean Beach in San Francisco, very close to the bathhouse ruins. While walking on the beach looking at different broken shells, I came across this small jellyfish in the sand, which I initially IDed as an animal. It was later IDed by someone in the community as phylum cindaria. I found no other jellyfish while continuing on for about 1/4 mile of the beach. Today, I took a walk in Tilden nearby the golf course. There I found many plants, the first being the yellow flowering plant, which was later IDed as thorntrees. This was surrounded by many other plants, most without flowers though. I then walked up the hill in hopes to find some insects. Since it has been so dry, it was difficult to find anything photo-worthy, so I turned over a rock and found this large ant-like insect. I would love some help IDing this insect!

Publicado el febrero 5, 2014 06:09 MAÑANA por sgoldthang sgoldthang | 3 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
