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Abaniquillo Verde del Noreste (Anolis carolinensis)




Abril 2, 2020 a las 05:50 TARDE EDT


This lizard was found in the backyard. The backyard is has a good amount of trees and bushes, perfect for animals to hide and use. It is a brown color lizard, about 5 inches as a rough estimate. The weather outside was warm and sunny. Lizards, which are cold blooded (ectotherms), rely on sunlight to obtain body heat. A key characteristic of lizards is their long tail which they can shed and regrow to avoid predators (CK-12, n.d). Key characteristics of reptiles include laying eggs on land, and have scaly skin that does not allow respiration underwater (LibreTexts, 2019).

10.12 Lizards and Snakes. (n.d). CK-12. Retrieved April 2, 2020, from

Characteristics of Reptiles (2019, November 19). Bio.LibreTexts. Retrieved April 2, 2020, from

Fotos / Sonidos




Marzo 31, 2020 a las 11:38 TARDE EDT


This beetle was found on the ground near some trees next to the driveway. Its body is primarily black with an orange/yellowish upper body. Its antennae are relatively large compared to its body, and it appears to have 6 legs. The body size was about an inch long. The weather that day was cloudy and dark. It was humid as well. Beetles, which are insects, often have powerful jaws,tough bodies, and can inhabit almost all habitats (Kid's Inquiry of Diverse Species, n.d). Insects, have many characteristics. A few characteristics of this group are: they are invertebrates, have three pairs of legs, two pairs of wings, and have three main body parts: head, thorax, and abdomen (What is an Insect?, n.d).

What is an Insect? (n.d). Reachoutmichign. Retrieved March 31, 2020, from

Coleoptera (n.d). Biokids.umich. Retrieved March 31, 2020, from

Fotos / Sonidos




Marzo 13, 2020 a las 06:03 TARDE EDT


This caterpillar was originally found on a tree outside my apartment. However, there were dozens of them sitting on the dog park fences and on the trees neighboring the apartment. The weather on this particular day was sunny and warm. The caterpillar has blue and yellow stripes running vertically down the body of the caterpillar. The caterpillar was about 2 inches long. The body has a pattern down the middle of the body with hairs projecting out the side. This caterpillar can be found across North America and they usually appear in abundance in early spring (Cortland, n.d.). Key characteristics of of this group include building tents and difficult population cycles (University of Florida, n.d.) Some caterpillars in this group do not actually build tents. This species appears to not build tents but actual species identification is unknown

Forest Tent Caterpillar (Molacosoma disstria) (Lasiocampidae) (n.d.). Retrieved March 31, 2020 from

University of Florida. (2020, March 31). Featured Creatures. Common name: forest tent caterpillar
scientific name: Malacosoma disstria Hübner (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae).

Fotos / Sonidos


Musgos Y Parientes (Filo Bryophyta)




Febrero 1, 2020 a las 03:53 TARDE HST


This moss was located in Violet Cury Nature Preserve. The weather that particular day was chilly and overcast. The moss was spread all over the floor, but relatively small. The color was bright green. The ground was moist and the air was somewhat wet. One characteristic of this moss is that it absorbs nutrients from the soil. It can also absorb water from the air, which is why it likes moist environments. It contains multicellular rhizoids unlike liverworts and hornworts (Moss, n.d.). These act as "roots" but are not considered roots. A key characteristic of this phylum include the lack of vascular tissue, which indicates they lack true roots, stems, and leaves or any type (BYJU, n.d.)

Moss (n.d.). Science.jrank.

What are Bryophytes? (n.d.). BYJU The Learning app.

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Liquen de Navidad (Herpothallon rubrocinctum)




Febrero 1, 2020 a las 03:24 TARDE EST


This lichen was located in Violet Cury Nature Reserve. It was abundant all over many trees. As the name applies, it appears as Christmas colors, red and green. The red color is the prothallus surrounding the thallus, which is the green color (Thomas, 2010). It covered a majority of the tree. This lichen was found on a tree near a pond or lake. The weather this particular day was cloudy and cool, with a temperature around 60F. This lichen is typically found on the Gulf Coast and through South America (Volks, 2006). A key characteristic of lichens is the mutualistic relationship between a fungus and a alga or cyanobacterium (Volks, 2006). Lichens also lack a vascular tissue, so therefore they lack roots, stems, and leaves. They also primarily produce asexually.

Thomas, B. (2010, Jan 6). Christmas Wreath Lichen, Cryptothecia rubrocincta. Loyola University New Orleans.

Volks, T. (2006, December). Cryptothecia rubrocincta, the Christmas Lichen.

Fotos / Sonidos




Febrero 1, 2020 a las 03:40 TARDE HST


This organism was found by itself near the side of the trial in Violet Cury Nature Preserve. It was a cooler day with overcast present. It appeared to have rained earlier that day because the ground was rather wet in areas. The plant's rachis was relatively small. The pinna were small and abundant. There were no spores (sori) present on the fern. The plant was a typical forest green. Not present in the photographs are the rhizomes, or the "roots" of the plant. Rhizomes are characteristic of this plant and run just below the ground (Lee, n.d.). This is classified as a seedless vascular plant. Characteristics of this phylum include the presence of spores on the backside of the blade. These spores develop into gametophytes. However, there were no spores present on this plant. Another key characteristic is most ferns are homosporous, meaning they produce the same type of spore (Ferns and Other Seedless Vascular Plants, 2019).

Lee, Victoria. (n.d.). The Features of Ferns. Home Guides | SF Gate. Retrieved from

Ferns and Other Seedless Vascular Plants, (November 19, 2019). LibreTexts. Retrieved February 24, 2020 from

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Azalea (Rhododendron indicum)




Febrero 1, 2020 a las 03:42 TARDE HST


This organism was found in the Violet Cury Nature Preserve. The organism has bright, pinkish flowers that were abundant. The flowers and the plant its self were relatively low to the ground, some were about taller. No Flower was above 4 feet tall. They were present on the outskirt of the trail, near some trees. The flower itself was a rough estimate of 3-4 inches in diameter. The weather that particular day was chilly and overcast. It appeared to have possibly rained not too long ago. Typically, these plants grow in warmer climates and can be found in many parts of the world (The American Rhododendron Society, n.d.). A key characteristics of this plant include soil acidity. The plants prefer a pH of about 4.5-6.5. The leaves will turn yellow if the pH is an issue (The American Rhododendron Society, n.d.). Another key characteristic is that true rhododendrons have 10 or more stamens (American Rhododendron Society: New York Chapter, n.d.).This plant does appear to have 10 stamens so it can be assured that it is a part of the Rhododendrons.

Plant Culture and Care. (N.D.). The American Rhododendron Society. Retrieved February 24, 2020 from

What is the Difference Between Azaleas and Rhododendrons? (N.D.). New York Chapter American Rhododendron Society. Retrieved February 24, 2020 from

Fotos / Sonidos




Febrero 1, 2020 a las 12:08 TARDE EST


Without actually going into the water, the leaf size looked to be about about 10 inches but that was a rough estimate. The color of the leaves were green. The leaves were not bright green, due to the fact it was a gloomy day. Characteristics of this plant include U or V shaped leaves, and long stems that can be up to 6 feet long. This species was found in a small lake near the land. These species tend to be all across the eastern side of the U.S. and extending into Canada.

Fuentes: : Átomo