8 July 2017 - Fen near Crazy Horse Trail

During a particularly wet spring and summer, I went with botanist Colin Chapman to identify plants in the fen, particularly grasses and sedges. Colin took specimens to confirm ID off-line. Looking forward to his observations, which will be added to this project.. We encountered two Blanding's Turtles at different places along the trail, both from the large beaver pond/wetland that parallels the trail from the snowmobile road. One had leeches attached to its shell. Many Club Spur orchids (Platanthera clavellata) and Rose Pogonia orchids (Pogonia ophioglossoides) were blooming in the fen and along the north shore of the attached 5A beaver pond. The Cotton Grass was budding out, but no quite blooming yet.

Publicado el julio 9, 2017 02:47 TARDE por jlmason jlmason


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