4 September 2017 - Carp Barrens

Owen Clarkin, Art Goldsmith, and I explored the north side of the granite Carp Barrens, taking a more westerly route than the exploration on 20 August. Vegetation was lush due to the wet season. The open barrens vegetation mix was similar, but with different species dominant. Red Oak (Q. rubra) was the dominant tree species, but there were also many Basswood (T. americana). Other tree species: Red Maple, White Pine, Trembling Aspen, White Ash, White Birch, and scattered Bur Oak. Diervilla lonicera was found throughout especially in the open barrens areas. This area also had more tree cover, with rich woods in the depressions supporting Sugar Maple and V. acerifolium, sometimes with small streams and ponds. We encountered a number of wetlands, and viewed the southwest side of a large beaver pond (seen on 20 August on the NE) where Art, a birder, hear a Kingfisher calling multiple times. All pond edges were ringed by Buckthorn crowding out native species like Speckled Alder. Species of note: large and mature naturally occurring Jack Pines (with regeneration), a Nodding Ladies’ Tresses orchid, Blue-Green Ground Cedar (Diphasiastrum tristachyum), Closed Bottle Gentian, Three-Way Sedge (common in the Carp Hills), and a large patch of Pink Lady’s Slippers growing in sphagnum moss.

Publicado el septiembre 5, 2017 05:42 TARDE por jlmason jlmason


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