NYBG EcoQuest September 2017 - Week Two


Stats for September 1–14, 2017

Fifty-two naturalists have made 357 Pokeweed observations this month. Check out the amazing observation and video by @cathyweiner of a Rose-breasted Grosbeak feeding on Pokeweed berries. You can see the juice running down it's beak!

Observations: 406

Places: Bronx, 244; Manhattan, 108; Queens, 33; Brooklyn, 7; Staten Island, 7

Observers: @danielatha, 89; @plnthunter22, 62; @bioethics, 55; @laura622, 49; @elizajsyh, 17; @dottiew, 16; @mpitaro, 11; @margela, 9; @micelych, 9; @cbarron, 7; @nick115, 7.

We can reach 1,000 Pokeweed observations this month!

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Publicado el septiembre 15, 2017 10:48 MAÑANA por danielatha danielatha


Fliers for the EcoQuest were posted at Alley Pond Environmental Center, and the use of iNaturalist.org to identify observations on the outings of the APEC Hiking group was discussed at last evening's meeting.

Publicado por tom0153 hace alrededor de 7 años

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