Illinois Botanists Big Year Update 8/23/2018

Late summer is a-go!

iNat updated Collection projects recently so that now if you are a member of this Illinois Botanists Big Year project, you'll see a little icon on the righthand side of all your observations that fit the project rules. (FYI @skrentnyjeff :) )

Current Illinois Botanists Big Year Stats: (help identify)

25,390 observations
1,318 species (120 species added since last month)
1,407 observers
699 identifiers

Recently-observed Favorites

Seeds of white baneberry (Actaea pachypoda) by @andrewhipp

Agapostemon(?) coming in for a landing on pickerelweed (Pontederia cordata) by @sanguinaria33

Sheeny post-rain pawpaw (Asimina triloba) leaves by @elfaulkner -- anyone have some coming into fruit? They're getting ready up here in the north!

Pitcher's thistle (Cirsium pitcheri) in bloom by @sanguinaria33

Below again are links to what we as a group have found in 2018 so far compared to what has been documented on iNaturalist before 2018. The lists in the links below will update automatically as people continue adding observations throughout the year. iNaturalist's compare tool limits us to check 500 taxa at a time, so these are broken into several chunks.

Non-flowering plants
Monocots excluding Poales
Poales (grasses, sedges, rushes, & friends)
Plants in Asterales (sunflower family and friends)
Plants in Fabales (pea family and friends)
Plants in Lamiales (mint family and friends)
Plants in Rosales (rose family and friends)
Plants in Brassicales (mustard family and friends)
Plants in Ranunculales (buttercup family and friends)
Plants in Caryophyllales (pink family and friends)
All other (eu)dicots except the groups above

See what species you haven't observed yet in Illinois with the following link. Just change it from my username (bouteloua) to yours:


Publicado el agosto 23, 2018 02:07 TARDE por bouteloua bouteloua


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