NYBG EcoFlora Update, 26 May 2019

What’s the point of EcoQuests?

So far, the MUST FIND MUSTARDS EcoQuest Challenge has produced......

— Enhanced Mustard awareness, including family, genus and species recognition.
— First report of Thlaspi alliaceum for New York State.
— First report of Sisymbrium loeselii as “naturalized” in New York State and first report for New York City.
— First report in over 100 years of Descurainia sophia in NYC.
— First report of Turritis glabra for the Bronx.

Could this be something new? https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/25693749

There are five days left in June and plenty more to learn about Mustards in NYC, especially the genera Sisymbrium, Cardamine and Lepidium.

Publicado el mayo 26, 2019 02:22 TARDE por danielatha danielatha


Hi Daniel -- a typo -- you meant say there are five days left in May...

I certainly have become more aware of mustards, but so far I can only recognize a few of them!

Publicado por susanhewitt hace más de 5 años

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