Recipient for the Best Scorpion iNat Award

I didn't necessarily walk with the class on the Senita Basin Trail because they were way ahead of me and a few of my other friends, but I did venture off on my own and found the biggest scorpion on the whole trip! At first, I wasn't seeing much and was kind of bored so I started just going off trail a little and flipping rocks. I finally come across this big rock and flipped it and there it was! I honestly thought it was dead at first because it wasn't moving so of course, like a fool, I got up close and personal with it and was taking a million pics and videos. I wanted to show Jacob so I left it (thinking it was dead) and when we came back to look at it, it had moved...we love that. Anyway, as big as it was, the desert hairy scorpion venom is not fatal so thank god. I was just proud of myself for finding something cool on the trip and later that night we went scorpion hunting and found another scorpion under UV light. We also were stargazing and I saw 3 shooting stars, I'll just never get over how beautiful the stars are out there.

Publicado el marzo 21, 2020 04:52 MAÑANA por astray_cat astray_cat


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