Field Orno Forest Birds- Great Pond State Forest Simsbury, CT

This has been the best spot for birding I have been to so far. It was a mixed forest with large patches of pure conifers and large patches of mostly deciduous. There was also a power line running through with some grassland birds and plenty of wetland around the pond. I found an insane amount of species due to this large variety of habitat with the help of a friendly birder whose name I didn't catch. I arrived at 7:00 AM and left at 12:15 AM. It was sunny all day and the temperature started at 55 degrees F and rose to about 62 degrees F by the time I left. We started by walking the loop around the pond, where I found plenty of warbler, vireo, and woodpecker species. There were spots along the trail that led to the water. These areas are where I found swallows, flycatchers, and Red-winged Blackbirds. About halfway through the loop we took a break and watched a Great Blue Heron fish for a while and found a male Wood Duck when it emerged from behind some reeds. The birder ran into my dad and I multiple times as he was chasing certain birds around and would point out species such as the Northern Parula and some of the warblers and help me tell the difference between similar ones like the vireos. As I went to leave he told me that another way from the entrance led to the powerlines and then to another swatch of forests that was good for Scarlet Tanagers. This is also where I found the Veery and the Ruby-crowned Kinglet. On the way back we had to walk along the powerline and found the Eastern Meadowlark and the Red-tailed Hawks. Really the only negative was the obscene amount of chipmunks that just start screaming if you come within 20 feet of them, which apparently wasn't specific to this area. 10/10 would come back and I would recommend this spot to anyone in the area.

Publicado el mayo 20, 2020 09:37 TARDE por jrose489 jrose489


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