National Moth Week 2015 &

National Moth Week 2015, July 18-26

This year, National Moth Week will spotlight the Sphingidae family of moths found throughout the world commonly called hawk moths, sphinx moths and hornworms.

I hope to be able to run an event in Hong Kong for this awareness raising week.
More later....

Publicado el abril 21, 2015 01:24 TARDE por hkmoths hkmoths


Hi Roger, may i share this post on my Moths of Sri Lanka project?

Publicado por nuwan hace más de 9 años

link directly to NMW website - and register an event (don't have to be too specific yet)

Publicado por hkmoths hace más de 9 años

I will likely (weather permitting) be running several invitational NMW moth-recording events in the New Territories (central and north-east). If you are in HK at this time and would like further information, please message me on iNat and I'll try to get info to you.

Publicado por hkmoths hace más de 9 años

weather is seriously uncooperative. been raining elephants and rhinos (never mind the cats and dogs) since Monday. some 300mm recorded in 4 days in the district I live in. been windy too, with the south west monsoon blowing hard, up to gale force at times.

Publicado por hkmoths hace más de 9 años

Managed one event, with the weather relenting sufficiently for an evening's mothing in the central New Territories. 7 moth-ers (including 3 newbies) met to observe proceedings around two 125W MV lights on Robinson traps on the evening of Friday 25th July.
In all, at least 86 species were recorded at the two lights, most of which were photographed for the record. I'll get round to posting most photos in due course. Not a single hawkmoth seen, and very few Geometridae, though the latter are normally common at the forested site recorded and the low number is likely caused by the poor weather.
Here's the full list.... (alphabetically by family and then descend by rank, species marked ** have only been found in Hong Kong)

Publicado por hkmoths hace alrededor de 9 años

Subfamily, Tribe, Subtribe

Species name(s)

Autostichinae, unplaced to tribe
1 - Autosticha calceata
Crambinae, Crambini
2 - Pseudargyria interruptella
Pyraustinae, Pyraustini
3, 4 - Mabra nigriscripta; Paliga ochrealis
Spilomelinae, unplaced to tribe
5-13 - Ategumia adipalis; Camptomastix hisbonalis; Filodes fulvidorsalis; Glyphodes caesalis [group]; Herpetogramma sp. indet.; Hydriris ornatalis; Parotis punctiferalis; Syllepte pernitescens; Talanga sexpunctalis
Oditinae, Oditini
14 - Odites sp. A nr. ricinella
Aganainae, Aganini
15-18 - Asota caricae; Asota heliconia; Asota plaginota; Psimada quadripennis
Anobinae, Anobini
19 - Plecoptera recta
Arctiinae, Lithosiini, Lithosiina
20, 21 - Eilema fuscodorsalis; Microlithosia shaowuica
Boletobiinae, Aventiini
22-27 - Cerynea punctilinealis; Corgatha trichogyia; Enispa elataria; Hyposada kadooriensis *; Laspeyria ruficeps; Metaemene atrigutta
Boletobiinae, Saroba group
28, 29 - Lopharthrum comprimens; Saroba pustulifera
Calpinae, Calpini
30 - Dierna patibulum
Calpinae, Ophiderini
31 - Eudocima phalonia
Erebinae, Ophiusini
32 - Artena dotata
Erebinae, Poaphilini
33-35 - Bastilla crameri; Bastilla fulvotaenia; Macaldenia palumba
Erebinae, Ercheiini
36 - Ercheia cyllaria
Erebinae, Erebini
37, 38- Erebus ephesperis; Sympis rufibasis
Erebinae, Hulodini
39 - Ericeia elongata

Erebinae, Acantholipini
40 - Ugia purpurea *

Hypeninae, Mecistoptera group
41, 42 - Acidon evae; Acidon paradoxa
Hypeninae, Hypeninae incertae sedis
43, 44 - Catada vagalis; Sarobela litterata
Lymantriinae, Nygmiini
45 - Artaxa sp. nr. cryptosticta
Pangraptinae, Episparis group
46 - Egnasia seclusalis
Rivulinae, Rivulini
47, 48 - Rivula niveipuncta; Rivula striatura
Dichomeridinae, Dichomeridini
49, 50 - Dichomeris loxospila; Dichomeris zonata
Ennominae, Hypochrosini
51, 52 - Fascellina chromataria; Fascellina plagiata
Ennominae, Boarmiini
53-55 - Dasyboarmia subpilosa; Zanclopera falcata; Hypomecis transcissa
Geometrinae, Pseudoterpnini
56 - Lophophelma calaurops
Geometrinae, Comibaenini
57 - Protuliocnemis castalaria
Sterrhinae, Sterrhini
58 - Idaea triangularis
Sterrhinae, Timandrini
59 - Traminda aventiaria
Gracillariinae, Gracillariini
60 - Caloptilia sp. nr. leucolitha
Lasiocampinae, Lasiocampini
61 - Euthrix isocyma
unplaced to subfamily or tribe
62 - Vanlangia castanea
63 - genus & species indet.
64 - Dyrzela plagiata
Noctuinae, Pseudeustrotiini
65 - Pseudeustrotia semialba
Noctuinae, Dypterygiini
66 - Sasunaga tenebrosa
Chloephorinae, Sarrothripini
67, 68 - Blenina quinaria; Gyrtothripa pusilla
Nolinae, Collomenini
69 - Lamprothripa scotia
Nolinae, Nolini
70 - Manoba brunellus
Epipaschiinae, Epipaschiini
71 - Salma camphorella (larval nest)
Phycitinae, Phycitini
72, 73 - Guastica semilutea; Hypargyria metalliferella
Pyralinae, Endotrichini
74 - Endotricha theonalis
Pyralinae, Pyralini
75 - Hypsopygia mauritialis
Olethreutinae, Grapholitini
76-78 - Cryptophlebia repletana; Cydia sp. indet.; Grapholitini genus & sp. indet. (no voucher retained, but new for HK)
Olethreutinae, Olethreutini
79, 80 - Sorolopha plinthograpta; Sycacantha sp. cf. choanantha
Tortricinae, Phricanthini
81, 82 - Phricanthes flexilineana; Phricanthes sp. B nr. peistica
83 - Phazaca theclata
Uraniinae, unplaced to tribe
84 - Lyssa zampa
Chalcosiinae, Cyclosiini
85 - Cyclosia papilionaris
Chalcosiinae, Chalcosiini
86 - Pidorus gemina

Publicado por hkmoths hace alrededor de 9 años

at least nine further species have been added upon review of photos taken by other attendees. The list above is updated accordingly.
There remain a further two species known of (a tiny micro, pending photo examination, and a spilomeline crambid) that need further work before adding to the list. The record of Ategumia adipalis may be of a similar looking species, but as yet I'm unable to place correctly even to genus - and there's no physical voucher specimen.

Publicado por hkmoths hace alrededor de 9 años

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