Analysis of randomness of ESD occurence among trawls in the Spring 2021 NE Groundfish Survey within the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank


The phenomenon of Epizootic Shell Disease (ESD) arguably destroyed commercial lobstering south of Cape Cod. Its incidence has increased north of Cape Cod in the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank and we can ask whether it is following a similar pattern in the Gulf of Maine where it could be a major economic factor in the region for both Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts as well as Canada. The NOAA NE Groundfish Survey, paused in Spring 2000 due to the pandemic, was re-established in Spring 2021 and the protocol developed for surveying for ESD was carried out.

The relevant data sets from NOAA NMFS were transformed to provide appropriate input for analysis, testing the assumption of random occurence of ESD. If uniform across the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank, it could be evaluated by a Chi Square test of the contingency tables of numbers of ESD and non-ESD lobsters observed in trawls, clustered so as to make numbers of ESD lobsters high enough within groups to allow clusters to be observed and tested if they meet the low sample number limits on testing contingency tables using Chi-Square methodality (McHugh 2013). If clustered in the available data, one could proceed to explore what was causing the clustering.

This report focuses on one season of data, Spring 2021, but could be applied retrospectively to the other three available data sets Fall 2018, Spring 2019 and Fall 2019. Application of the Chi-Square test to sequential strings of trawls from the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank in Spring 2021 suggests ESD is clustered and Monte Carlo examinations of random collections of trawls confirm the importance of the sequential sets as capturing that clustering. This clustering has relevance in the further discussion of whether ESD should be more correctly considered enzootic or epizootic which is also related to discussion of 'areas of endemism' (Cassagranda and Lizarralde de Grosso 2013).


Data Collection

The collection of American lobster ESD data was accomplished using the protocols established in the FSCS2.0 computer directed protocol that involves protocols for all the NE Groundfish Survey organisms and includes online guides at four workstations devoted to the survey. Three of the workstations are manned each by a team of two, a cutter and a data recorder. The FSCS2.0 computer directs the protocol to be followed for each organism being worked on at a given workstation. A head workstation is occupied by the watch chief who decides how many baskets of an organism will be processed in each trawl. If a very large catch of an organism has occurred at a trawl site the watch chief will do a sub-sample of the baskets to establish which organisms are to be worked up at a team workstation. Chosen samples are then worked up and data on lobsters includes the trawl number that has metadata including all physical information about the trawl site (time, latitude, longitude, depth, and CTD (concentration, temperature, density) associated data). Within the sample each lobster has its sex, carapace length (CL), condition of legs and claws, presence of barnacles determined and state of ESD determined on a 4 point scale (0-3) (Smolowitz et al. 2005). ESD lobsters graded 1-3 were frozen for validation and measurements on land.


The applicability of the Chi-Square method was based on numeric limits described by McHugh (2013).


Preliminary results from Spring 2021 NOAA NMFS are available at URL:


  1. Dolores Casagranda and Mercedes Lizarralde de Grosso (2013). Areas of Endemism: Methodological and Applied Biogeographic Contributions from South America. Chapter 1. InTech
  2. Mary L. McHugh (2013). Lessons in biostatistics: The Chi-square test of independence. Biochemia Medica 23(2): 143-9.
  3. Joseph G. Kunkel (March 27 2021) Is shell disease in the American lobster epizootic or enzootic.
  4. Kathleen Reardon, Robert Russell, Rebecca Peters. (2020). 2020 Lobster Monitoring Update.
  5. Smolowitz RM, Chistoserdov AY, Hsu A (2005) A description of the pathology of epizootic shell disease in the American lobster, Homarus americanus H. Milne Edwards 1837. J Shellfish Res 24:749−756
  6. Joseph G. Kunkel (February 21, 2021) Landmark analysis of Homarus americanus including outlines of esd lesions etc.
  7. Joseph G. Kunkel (Jan 16, 2021) Lobster Shell Disease in NOAA Northeast Groundfish Surveys 2018-2019
  8. Joseph G. Kunkel (February 16, 2019) The American lobster Homarus americanus normal berried adult female.
  9. Joseph G. Kunkel (November 20, 2018) Training website for recognizing Epizootic Shell Disease, ESD
Publicado el agosto 22, 2021 03:03 TARDE por joekunk joekunk


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