Photo Safari is Back - March 26th 2016

Now that Spring is here we're starting up our events and workshops for iNaturalist enthusiast. Last night we hosted our first 'Beginning iNaturalist' workshop at the Lewisville Public Library. This coming Saturday will be our first 'Photo Safari' of 2016.

Butterflies and Dragonflies will be tops on our list as we explore an area not open to the general public. Just a few weeks back we had our first observation of a Plateau Spread-wing damselfly so that's where we plan to start Saturday's walk. We'll explore a forested area near our bird banding station as well as prairie grasslands and, if dry enough, approach the Bittern Marsh from the East.

Whether you use a mobile phone camera or a full DSLR you should get lots of great observations for the LLELA Project on iNaturalist.

We'll be meeting at 9am Saturday morning March 26th at the Pavilion so don't be late.

Publicado el marzo 22, 2016 09:42 TARDE por mchlfx mchlfx


Do we need to sign up for the photo safari, or just show up?

Publicado por atreefalling hace más de 8 años

@atreefalling You do need to sign up, but it's completely free.

Call Herring Rec Center at 972.219.3560 BEFORE Friday at 4 (M-Fri hours are 6:30a-9p)
Ask to register for the Photo Safari at LLELA, Class #810001
Let me know about your experience! We've had a few bumps in the road with our new registration process so I really want to know how our registrants are treated and how easy it is to sign up for and attend a program.

Publicado por happynaturalist hace más de 8 años

Awesome!!! Looking forward to seeing the observations coming out of LLELA! :)

Publicado por sambiology hace más de 8 años

Thanks for the info! Just registered, and the person on the phone was very nice. Only took a couple of minutes; she asked for some basic contact info at my date of birth since this was my first time registering for something.

See you Saturday!

Publicado por atreefalling hace más de 8 años

glad you'll be attending Steve. Should be an eventful hike.

Publicado por mchlfx hace más de 8 años

Had a great time this morning! Pics from our hike are on my blog:

Mike, if you can assist with IDs on the damselflies and dragonfly I'd be much obliged. I'll get the observations here on iNaturalist later, too.


Publicado por atreefalling hace más de 8 años

Most certainly Steve. It was a great day to be in the field.

Publicado por mchlfx hace más de 8 años

Steve, amazing photos! May I have permission to share your blog and a few individual photos via LLELA's Facebook page?

Publicado por happynaturalist hace más de 8 años

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