The pursuit of fruit!

July is the time for fruit! Many of our target species are losing their petals and growing some colorful fruit. Snapping photos of this phenophase will allow us to narrow down that window of flowering time and help us determine if it shifts over time as temperatures increase. Keep an eye out for those blue beads on the Bluebead Lilies or those bright red fruits on Trilliums, Canada Mayflower, and Hobblebush.

Fun fact about Painted Trillium fruit:
Ants play an important role in planting a new Painted Trillium. The bright red fruit on a Painted Trillium is covered with oily substances called elaiosomes. Ants and some wasps feed the elaiosomes, which are rich in lipids and proteins, to their larvae. When they are done, they discard the fruit with its seeds and plant the trillium.

© sandrineguay

Volunteer opportunity - Looking for curators!
As we near the end of the growing season, we have tons of observations that need to be added to our project. If you are interested in this volunteer oppurtunity as a data curator, message val_neuhausser on iNaturalist and I'll get back to you with more info.

Thank you and happy naturalizing!

Publicado el julio 22, 2022 05:13 TARDE por val_neuhausser val_neuhausser


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