News from iNaturalist

Hello everyone! The number of participants in our Bioblitz grows, slowly. We're now 79 and I'm in my last go-through ol scanning county observations for new folks to mnessage.

Yesterday I had a Zoom call with the CNC organizers, discussing final preparations.
A few noteworthy comments were made, worth sharing so you all know too!

  1. Dates for making "observations" are April 28 00:01 AM through May 1 23:59 PM. That is, your photo's metadata must be from within that date/time range.
  2. Uploading observations can be done until May 8 08:00. But let's not wait that long because you won't get them identified by others!
  3. Getting things identified to species must all be done by May 8: 08:00 AM PST
  4. Anyone can do identifications. If you go to the Project during the Blitz you can review observations that are made by everyone. You can use filters to sort the observations to taxon (birds, plants etc). Also pick identification level (Needs ID etc), so you can avoid spending time identifying things that are already Research Grade.
Publicado el abril 14, 2023 01:36 TARDE por ingolfaskevold ingolfaskevold


I have not participated in a Bioblitz before. Can you give some guidance on what you would like participants to do to be the most help? Like, what would your "dream participant" do in our region? Thanks!

Publicado por kgcowdery hace más de 1 año

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