12 hours away!

Hello folks, we’re just under 12 hours from the CNC bioblitz starting line! We are 85 participants strong! Personally, I’ve drafted my itinerary that, rain or shine, will put me in many habitats, from freshwater and marine to various upland habitats, in some half dozen counties, morning to near dark! Let’s remember, we’re looking for wild organisms only, so if you’re observing in your own yard or nearby, city parks etc., that’s all things you didn’t intentionally plant. Any wild organisms, alive or dead!

  • 4 days of observing gives you till Monday midnight to take your photos.
  • 4 days following gives you time to finish uploading the photos you ran out of time to do sooner.
  • The same 4 days gives us all time to identify both our own and anyone else’s observations and to confirm the IDs that were made.
  • Identifications can be made by anyone, and it takes 2 identifications to make observations Research Grade, which is what counts!

Happy hunting!

Publicado el abril 27, 2023 04:27 TARDE por ingolfaskevold ingolfaskevold


Unfortunately I was unable to get the weekend off from work, however I will still be able to get observations in, just mostly on Monday! Do we need to tag our observations with anything special for the bio blitz? Thanks!

Publicado por luxomancer hace más de 1 año

Hi all, there is no need to do anything special. The bioblitz picks up your observations automatically? Good luck out there this likely messy weekend. Any amount of time you can devote will be great!

Publicado por ingolfaskevold hace más de 1 año

Hi all, there is no need to do anything special. The bioblitz picks up your observations automatically? Good luck out there this likely messy weekend. Any amount of time you can devote will be great!

Publicado por ingolfaskevold hace más de 1 año

Woo hoo! It has begun! I'll be hunting critters around the Econfina Water Management Area in Washington Co.

Publicado por nursoph hace más de 1 año

We all need to be careful out there tomorrow. The National Weather Service is advising that there is a multi-round threat of severe weather for our area including possible severe thunderstorms, strong winds, large hail and tornados. Make sure you have the means to receive weather warnings thorough the day (be especially careful if you are in areas with questionable cell service.) Happy and safe observations to all y'all..

Publicado por luxomancer hace más de 1 año

Thank you Jayhorn for identifying so many plant species!!

Publicado por kgcowdery hace más de 1 año

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