
Making a new project for a tree has become practiced and smooth. Easy workflow.

The issue is that a lot of trees that are documented elsewhere have not been observed on iNat!

I tried for some time to get a few trees in Russia documented, to no avail. Another user shared a site with me about notable trees in Russia and after going through quite a few I was not able to find one that I could cross-reference with any trees that are on the site. I did add one tree that I found through Wikimedia Commons. I also added one found in Crimea, Russian-occupied Ukraine. But it's a pretty big landmass to go empty on the map.

I do need to add more trees for North America. They are well documented and I have put it off because I know there are going to be lots of photos. Currently I only have a few on the west coast. I want to focus on trees in other parts of the world as well, and I don't want USA to be over-represented.

I'm learning a lot of weird details, too. Did you know there are two 'Prison Trees' in Western Australia? One has some historical basis, and the other one sort of inherited the story. The trees look similar, but you can tell them apart with some close study. They are close enough together that the GPS coordinates overlap (this may be due to bad GPS signal or logging the location wrong).

I will keep this project going. We have 1 new member which is exciting. I'll add another journal entry when I reach 25 or maybe 30 trees.

Publicado el junio 12, 2023 05:31 MAÑANA por ccoslor ccoslor


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