June 23 Update

Weather slowed us a bit across much of the state on 6/22, so fewer incoming.

However, we are now over 200 Four-spotted Skimmer observations. I know we're looking for them, but at this point, we have more 4-Spots than Eastern Amberwing and Twelve-spotted Skimmer! And double the number on Spangled Skimmer! Updated map below - filling in from NE to SW - 2023 observation locations in orange.

In other news, we're at 111 species for the 2023 season, nearly 12,000 observations. With a week to go in June, we're at 7,500 observations. A bit below June 2022, but very respectable.

With all the new counties for 4-Spots, they dominate the new County Records, but there are other species too. Franklin Co still way ahead in numbers.

Blue Dasher is dashing upward - now in the top 10. Forktails continue to lead the way.

Publicado el junio 23, 2023 12:44 TARDE por jimlem jimlem


Found a four-spotted skimmer at Pickerel Creek in Sandusky county a couple days ago?! Let me know if it's not showing up for you.

Publicado por mmp133 hace alrededor de 1 año

Thanks Monica!

Publicado por jimlem hace alrededor de 1 año

I saw a number of them in Lorain County (Sandy Ridge Reservation) and in Cuyahoga County (West Creek Reservation). In both cases, they seemed to be very aggressive and chased everything else including common green darners, black saddlebags and 12-spotted skimmers. Are they trying to establish themselves in new territory? Just wondering.

Publicado por ken_ohio hace alrededor de 1 año

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