White Rhino fungal innoculation through dung deposits

If I were to recall my observations of White Rhino dung in the field against dung from other large/r herbivorous mammals, I could cautiously conclude that:

  1. White Rhino dung has far better moisture retention (i.e. stays wet for far longer) than the dung of Equids, Bovids, or even Elephants - water being a critical conduit through which fungal mycidia are stored and expand from a host
  2. White Rhino dung is far more likely to bear fungal fruiting bodies than dung of the above-mentioned animals

Hypothesis: White Rhino innoculate patchwork areas of grassland/ Savannah ground by depositing dung conditioned for the harbouring and enhancement of fungal hyphae through conidia eaten on grass bodies. This innoculation is consistent with the Euclidean movement patterns of large grazers and thus occurs on a broader spatial scale owing to extended digestion times.

Publicado el julio 16, 2023 09:56 TARDE por anthonywalton anthonywalton


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