2000 Species and Counting!

The Runge Biodiversity Project has now documented over 2000 species of plant, animal, and fungi on the nature center grounds! This is all thanks to the massive effort of our 260 observers taking the time to explore nature at Runge and add their observations to iNaturalist. A special thanks go out to the folks that took part in the Insect at Night program on August 18th. During the program, observers added 144 observations of 82 species, 15 of which were new to the project. That brought us to 1999 species. Several plants were then added to take us past 2000!

But, of course, we are not finished. Keep on exploring by getting outside at Runge. While you're here, see if you can complete the iNaturalist Pollinator Challenge, which can be found at the front desk of the nature center. Simply go out and observe a combination of five pollinators and/or flowering plants on the Runge grounds. After completing the challenge using the iNaturalist app or website and adding your observations to the "Runge Biodiversity Project," stop at the front desk to receive a free field guide, native plant seed packet, and butterfly net. Explore! Observe! Have fun!

Publicado el agosto 25, 2023 09:27 TARDE por amlambert11 amlambert11


Cool! Nice job @amlambert11, and everyone involved. Those nighttime insects, especially moths, certainly seem to be a good way to up a species tally. It's so interesting how much lepidopteran diversity there is....

Publicado por chert_hollow hace 10 meses

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