Fungi tips

If you want to know more about fungi and how to take photos of them read the long bit of writing below. If you don't, have a nice day! 😀

  • When taking photos of a Common gilled mushroom you can take the top and or side of the fungus and the gills. When taking photos of the gills I find that a pocket mirror works best. You can also optionally take a spore print for further/better ids and microscopic pics to have it a a definite species level, but the other photos still work well. With some mushrooms like the Yellow stainer ( can be identified against other Field and Button species if you bruise or scratch the surface making the area yellow (that's why it's called a yellow stainer).

You can do the same thing with Boletes and other similar shaped mushrooms.

Space and colour of gills can give you a better id of the species.

  • For polypores sometimes you can take a pic of just the top of it if you are sure of what species it is. If you are not sure you can always pull your mirror out and have a look at the pores underneath. Again microscopic photos can bring it down to a species level, but are not always needed.
    It helps to get the pores for a better id of the species, just like with the gills.

For more info on polypores -

Thanks for reading!

These are some of the fungi taken with the mirror -

Publicado el diciembre 19, 2023 10:41 TARDE por rangerpuffin rangerpuffin


Fotos / Sonidos


Hongos con Láminas (Orden Agaricales)




Julio 25, 2023 a las 01:38 TARDE AEST

Fotos / Sonidos




Julio 25, 2023 a las 01:08 TARDE AEST


Great tip - thanks Rangerpuffin. Need to get a mirror!

Publicado por wendy1110 hace 9 meses

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