⛔🌳 Access prohibited to naturalists and other nature lovers!

I alerted you last month of the devastating effects of the law of February 2, 2023. The resistance is now organized at the national level around the Union of Right to Nature Collectives which brings together the 3 regional collectives (Chartreuse, Côte d'Azur and Vosges).
Your support is important because ultimately we are all likely to be affected. Thank you to everyone who has already signed the petition(s). I invite you to sign all 3 if you haven't done so yet!
If you witness an access ban due to the new law, your report will be valuable to us (see below).

Since the adoption of the law of February 2, 2023
and the application of article 226-4-3 (https://droitnatureca.org/ce-que-dit-la-loi/), large owners prohibit access to their land (forests, maquis, environments open...). These accesses were previously authorized. You will now find sworn guards who are likely to fine you (€135!). Hikers, naturalists, environmental educators, trail runners, etc. are undesirable.
Only hunters are welcome!

September 2023, in Isère, 750 ha of classified natural spaces (Hauts de Chartreuse Natural Reserve) are prohibited in the Chartreuse massif, leading to the creation of the Chartreuse collective “Droit à la Nature”. (https://droit-a-la-nature.org/)

November 2023, in the Alpes-Maritimes, we have identified three sites, the most emblematic of which is located in Villeneuve-Loubet: the Marquis de Panisse-Passis suddenly banned access to his land (1,000 ha of hills with a fragile biotope) . This represents 90% of the municipality's green spaces... Citizens are mobilizing and creating the Right to Nature Côte d'Azur Collective. (https://droitnatureca.org/)

January 2024, in Haut-Rhin, closure of 64 ha of forest in Rimbach-près-Masevaux including a trail forming part of a hiking circuit in the Ballons des Vosges Regional Natural Park, followed by the ransacking of the forest to make it impracticable. The “Our village” Collective is remobilizing. (https://www.collectif-notrevillage.com/)

Other territories are affected in France (Gard, Hérault, etc.), some deputies are starting to take up the issue (as a reminder, 75% of forests are private...).

At the local level, we try to find a negotiated solution with local elected officials, the department, the Conservatoire du Littoral and the owners.

At the national level, we are working to change this law and decriminalize access to nature.

We turn to you and invite you to disseminate this still little-known information through your network, your federation and your members.
Each French department will ultimately be affected without massive mobilization.

We also invite you to sign, have signed and distribute the 3 regional petitions:


https://www.change.org/p/pour-la-libert%C3%A9-d-acc%C3%A8s-%C3%A0-tout-e-s-%C3%A0-la-r%C3% A9natural-serve-of-hauts-de-chartreuse


We draw up a map of prohibited access (https://droitnatureca.org/nature-interdite/). Your local and regional knowledge is also helpful in improving awareness of prohibited areas. You can report here the newly prohibited spaces which you believe are within the law.

Do not hesitate to take photos for a better understanding of the phenomenon.

We thank you for your commitment and support for this cause which concerns us all.

Guillaume Dugied, for the Union of Right to Nature Collectives
Union of Right to Nature Collectives

Publicado el febrero 26, 2024 08:45 MAÑANA por mercantour mercantour


Thank you for sharing on this platform, and thank you for taking the time to translate this. I wasn't aware of this issue, I will spread the word even if I'm not based in France. It's important to know what's happening abroad, so we are not blindsided when our landlords try to pull these tricks in our home country. But this kind of news often don't travel fast.
Solidarity from a fellow naturalist from Italy

Publicado por notacommondolphin hace 8 meses

Should be signed. I hope that this land can be made public again for the benefit of all of us

Publicado por dragonfyre hace 8 meses

Grazie @notacommondolphin !
Naturalism doesn’t have borders ! Many French don’t know the problem too !

Publicado por mercantour hace 8 meses

Many thanks @dragonfyre !

Publicado por mercantour hace 8 meses

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