15 de diciembre de 2020

New iNat project for 2020-2021 season

Hello Newt Brigaders! Thank you for all the work that went into the 2019-2020 data collection in our pilot year. The 2020-2021 newt migration season is upon us and we are asking that you upload data from this year to "Chileno Valley Newt Brigade 2020-2021" which you can join by searching in the projects tab and clicking on the "join" button. If you have any issues adding the project, need additional instructions, or would like to see a copy of last year's data analysis, please contact info@chilenovalleynewtbrigade.org . More project information can be found at the project website https://www.chilenovalleynewtbrigade.org

Publicado el diciembre 15, 2020 05:09 MAÑANA por trianderson trianderson | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
