Diario del proyecto City Nature Challenge 2021: North American Dfa & Dfb Climates

Archivos de diario de enero 2020

28 de enero de 2020

The dates have been set for the 2020 City Nature Challenge - interested in a side challenge?

As participants in the global CNC we have no control over the dates of this event. The fact that it is held in April may be considered as bad timing for many areas in North America. It is not an opportune time to perform bioblitzes in our areas and compile complete datasets that might highlight our local biodiversity... Last year in Calgary they had a little dump of snow on the CNC weekend - this didn't stop them tho - many Calgarians still came out and participated. In Halifax the weather on the Saturday was miserable and many of the organized activities were cancelled - even the ducks looked unhappy.

The CNC April event is an excellent opportunity to introduce iNat to our communities and a means to get people outdoors observing nature and looking for signs of spring. We must remember the saying 'there is no such thing as bad weather, simply bad clothing'. (Perhaps on a cold, wintry day before the CNC starts you might wish to explore the origins of that statement - there are a lot of interesting articles especially from Norway)

In 2019, Chicago issued a challenge to fellow CNC organizers to see if other northernly challenged groups were interested in a side competition. Thirteen cities accepted this challenge. Halifax almost reached the top spot on the leaderboard - we had Chicago in our sights!

In 2020, Halifax and Chicago are reissuing this challenge - Do other CNC groups wish to compete with/against us? Lets show the world that there are a lot of keen iNatters in our areas - the weather will not daunt us!

Publicado el enero 28, 2020 01:06 TARDE por mkkennedy mkkennedy | 6 comentarios | Deja un comentario

Interested in sharing photos as examples of the weather during March & April here in the North?

Please share your photos and help highlight weather conditions in this part of the world! It would be great to see range of weather conditions that are experienced across 'northern' North America in the months of March and April. What is it like in your part of the world during the time period when we will be out iNatting in preparation of and during the City Nature Challenge. Feel free to share photos from past years.

1) first you need to have your photos associated with a URL (perhaps upload to Facebook? the photo below is from an iNat observation);
2) edit the example basic code string in the blog post below and add to this post as a comment.

Example from Cape Breton, NS (January 2020)

Publicado el enero 28, 2020 04:58 TARDE por mkkennedy mkkennedy | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
