Diario del proyecto City Nature Challenge 2023: Surrey BC

Archivos de diario de febrero 2023

03 de febrero de 2023

The City Nature Challenge event page is live!

Check out our event page and share widely: https://www.surrey.ca/news-events/events/city-nature-challenge, get your iNaturalist peeps to follow Surrey's account, and join our CNC 2023 project to get updates on partner events happening during the CNC.

Consider organizing a mini BioBlitz in your neighbourhood, with your school, church, temple or other community organization.

And remember it's not just about the 4 days of capturing observations, the remainder of the CNC, from May 2-7 is for getting your observations uploaded, and properly ID'd. You can help other iNaturalist observers in Surrey to properly identify their observations. Maybe even host an ID party!

Correctly ID'd observations that get to research grade provide critical information on the diversity and distribution of plants, wildlife and fungi across the City!

p.s., looking for some great resources to connect to nature in Surrey, check out our Resources for Outdoor Learning page! https://www.surrey.ca/parks-recreation/surrey-parks/park-programs/resources-outdoor-learning

Publicado el febrero 3, 2023 06:20 TARDE por surrey-bc_biodiversity surrey-bc_biodiversity | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
