25 de octubre de 2023

2023 Accomplishments

Hello members of the Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park (KLGO) iNaturalist project! If you haven’t taken a look at the project recently, please do so when you have time and see what has been uploaded most recently. As of October 18, 2023, 73 posts have been made between the 8 of us over the course of this year.

Our observations consisted of 33 mushrooms, 18 plants, 16 insects, 2 birds, 2 amphibians and 2 which fall into Animals/Fish/other. The main areas that these observations come from are throughout Skagway town area, along Dyea Road and throughout Dyea. I hope that those of us who are working at KLGO in 2024 are able to continue the spectacular work that has already been accomplished!

Publicado el octubre 25, 2023 07:41 TARDE por jbodendorf jbodendorf | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
